chances of getting caught lying on faa medical

The FAA revised 61.53 to include under this prohibition sport pilots who use a current and valid U.S. drivers license as medical qualification.. Assuming you appropriately responded to one of these three questions, your application was likely deferred and the FAA sent you a letter, requesting medical records. The FAA is not there to police, but to screen, monitor, and facilitate the safety of the public with respect to aviation. There is so much hearing loss among the older pilot population, but current practices do not do much more than whisper a question when not facing the pilot. Medical certificates are designated as first-class, second-class, or third-class. This is why sometimes it becomes necessary to avoid telling the attending physician more than is necessary least the physician spin the whole condition in different light by making a mountain out of a mole hill, thereby destroying the flying career of the pilot for something that even the physician himself or herself is not sure about. As they say the truth eventually comes out but sometimes lies can go untold forever and I believe there are pilots who are flying around in our airspace with disqualifying medical conditions that should be special issuance or not even have a medical. Yes the present medical sytem sucks but, its all we have until better management goes to Washington. While not endorsing that, it is understandable at the emotional level. I think ill just go to Mexico and get a falsified medical. It only came after I got out of the loop and had the hospital send the info straight to OK. You know how we all type up our medical records now, at least they think so. I was so desperate to lower the volume that I installed a volume control in my own headset so I would not be blasted out of my seat. His response was that the FAA wanted to ascertain that I was aware of the disability and take necessary actions to overcome it, In this case to use other senses to monitor the aircrafts actions, i.e. You miss the point. The entire aeromedical FAA staff can go kill themselves for all I care. There are hardly any crashes or incidents related to pilot incapacitation and if there were the FAA or NTSB would have expressed grave concerns. It was less rigorous than a regular over 40 physical, so I took one of those too. If successful with testing, you can then make further arguments that you do not have an aeromedically significant medical condition. No pill makes that any different no weekly conversation with an over-paid, disinterested asshole makes it different either. The standards are too strict and the FAA bases thier decisions (especially on medication) on generalizaitons instead of listening to the pilots and doctors. Im applying for a job where they train you to be a helicopter pilot. You just hit a key to the problem. With $ 20.00 USD anything is possible down there and then just let the FAA go through hoops to find my one in a million medicals just to disqualify and pull my medicalwhich is fake after allwill give them and me something to do till I can think of some other ways to pass the time with the all mighty FAA. Irs Data Book, 2020. chances of getting caught lying on faa medical one of the medications used treat! No faxes or emails are allowed. Brian, what about a medication that was rx when you were eight and havent taken for 20yrs? The hypocrisy at the FAA hurts general aviation in lots of ways. How come the standards are so different now? What the FAA is looking for are patterns of behavior that suggest pathological conditions that may lead to gross negligence or unsafe decisions regarding flying. If anyone cares to share their thoughts or any advice I would appreciate hearing from you. I had kidney stone surgery 12 years ago and over the last two years I passed two stones at home. The 3rd class medical crosses the line where freedom is unreasonably denied in the pursuit of absolute safety. Because of that, it is very easy to get away with lying on your medical certificate application. I believe those with conditions that would be considered a problem while flying (vertigo, blackouts, narcolepsy, use of medications that cause side effects that present without warning and could be debilitating, etc.) Instead, they send a letter asking for more information from you and your doctors. Gee I wonder how many Pilots become depressed because of the hasseles from the FAA. Some do it by mistake. Im depressed, so their answer is to tell me I cant do anything to fix my problem whilst simultaneously denying me something that significantly helps with my depression: Flying? I aeree. Home | About | Contact | Copyright | Report Content | Privacy | Cookie Policy | Terms & Conditions | Sitemap. This applies to ANY wildcat actions, including slowdown, work-to-rules, withdrawal of enthusiasm (WOE), sickouts, etc. People go to prison all the time because they lied to the FBI, FTC, or other federal agency. It is important to point out, according to the AOPA, there have been no accidents related to pilots self-certifying and flying under the Sport program, and many of those pilots Im sure, were under the same misconception as me! How did the terrorists that crashed into the twin towers pass a medical that I failed for COUNSELING??! Now I am only minutes away from completing my first flight medical form without any worries! Hell no. Just waht we need more busybodys like you who cant mind their own business. It can also ensure you keep flying for years to come. In short, the FAA doesnt check medical records unless they have a reason to i.e. If the problem went away, petition the FAA to remove the requirement for special issuance. If they can just rid the world of these bothersom pilots then their job will be much easier. If you qualify for an FAA medical certificate, they will issue it to you at the end of your appointment, document your exam findings, and transmit your application to the FAA. Lets analyze how you got to a denial and what can be done to appeal the denial. Wiley Post would have never passed a physical. For pilots with health problems that aren't debilitating but possibly disqualifying, 'fessing up on the application for a third class medical certificate can be a busted-if-you-do, busted-if-you-don't proposition. If you cannot read the serial number plate on the airplane that just flew by you then you should not be allowed to fly. I have all kinds of things happen to me and I can not possibly put them all down or even remember them. If you have determined that you are not healthy enough to fly sport, then you have done exactly what the Sport program is intended to do; leave the decision to the pilot. Im still going to try to jump through the medical hoops because I love to fly. But knowing that the FAA has little humor, we all put no. From open heart surgery and stroke to PTSD and diabetes, it is possible to qualify for an FAA medical certificate with more conditions than most pilots suspect. Having people squeal on them? Make the FAA do a special issue for every single pilot in the country. Two of the pilots I know of with these problems have Class 1 Medical Certificates. I hesitated to contact the FAA as I didnt want to deprive this man of his dream to be a pilot but the risk of harm to himself and to others was greater than His Dream so I sent a detailed letter. Ok, I read the revised FAA 61.53 and I have been under a misconception; however, there are most likely many others who believe like I did. Flying is no more dangerous than driving when properly trained. Why is such a standard not imposed on motorcycle or car owners ? This is very disturbing to say the least, why bother imposing rules, laws or the like if there is no punishment implemented??? For over 50 years, pilots turned to Richard L. Collins for his unique perspective on the challenges and rewards of flying light aircraft. If say 10% are due to medical incapacitation, that would be 45-50 deaths a year. At a minimum, the liar can lose flight provileges for good. or special licenses for either of those vehicles if they are used recreationally (with the exception of a written test for air brake endorsement, if so equipped). That question cant be removed from the form easily, so you have the option of clicking the box labelled International or declining to provide and leaving the field blank. All other patients was sick, so sick but pilots healthy, so healthy. That may boost your chances of passing the exam or minimizing delays on the FAA's end. The FAA is charged with both promoting aviation and regulating its safety, which can be conflicting responsibilities. Most of us fly for recreation and a burning fire within to fly, and the Sport program can be just the ticket. I do not think that there is anybody who does not lie or has not lied at one time or another. I am working with a private party who specializes in this sort of thing and he cant really give me definitive answers either; just educated opinion and guidance. My first flightdoctor told me he was very happy about having pilots as clients. Thank you for the advice and expertise Sir, you just saved me a $50.00 discussion appointment with my AME. Not only is the medical certificate process flawed, so is the new AOPA iniative. waiting for them. Id never put my family in danger and drive a car if I wasnt feeling well, why would anyone think Id fly that way? Mike F, I agree, Im probably taking the same medication, also works for IBS. Should I mention this to my AME? I can now only fly Sport due to a medical condition that will cause me to fail the third class medical exam if I take it. 6 months and 2 weeks earlier I had one done for a Peace Corps application and sent that in, which would have been good for 2 years. I know this Pilot who has type 1 Diabetes which requires insulin injections daily, drinks alcohol every night, takes an antidepressant, and every afternoon gets the shakes. If you cant pass the physical you need to find another way to fly. The odds of a passenger catching Covid-19 on a flight and dying from the virus are less than one in half a million. They are issued by states. I had to get TWO EKGs to satisfy FAA medical! The AME guide expands on that question to unexplained unconsciousness. The AME Guide is available to all pilots on the FAA website. I refer them to my TMI rule; if it was transient, dont say it. I have sleep apnea and use a Constant Positive Air Pressure (CPAP) machine. Military veterans should also be aware that the FAA now routinely cross-references your VA disability rating when determining your eligibility for a medical certificate. Eat right, excercise, dont smoke, and dont take drugs of any kind. Not just surprise test changes from the FAA but the FMCSA again wanting to reduce truck drivers hours of service due to fatigue despite the lack of evidence published on the FMCSAs own web site. At least my livelihood doesnt depend on it. I wonder if your AME is really doing everything he can to be your advocate in this situation. I forgot to mention that your Idea sounds like a good Idea. We all know that volume of cars on the roads vs. number of planes in the air leads to have to deal with more idiots on the ground. Direct Primary Care Physician for Pilots? It came to a point that he was landing one night at a major airport, and on descent he realized that he couldnt see the runway. File closed. your PIC in the Cockpit might have the most serious medical condition, but will never no it thats why the federal government made the HIPPA law. Counseling, HTN, whatever. No problem there both were on the approved list (most are). The other is you tell the FAA about something. How do I get a copy of my FAA written test? After numerous attempts I decided to contact the FAA of the situation so he would not get away with deceiving the AME again. It can also ensure you keep flying for years to come. Its a losing game. (BTW, I am a member of both.) The real problem was that I also am prescribed anti-diarrhea medication and I take it as needed. FAX your completed Request for Airman Medical Records Form to (405) 954-9326. Help is only a phone call away! The AME also cannot read their minds, so he cannot go beyond a reasonable interpretation either to help with these questions. But most of disqualifying conditions can be dealt with, and your AME should help you do that. XYZZY62, Check the AME Guide posted at to determine what the FAA requires for your seasonal depression. I didnt lie on my Class 3 medical, was a 55 yr. old student pilot, have since been told by several older pilots that I was honest but naive. When that syndrome is cured, much of what is wrong at FAA will be cured. Email me at [emailprotected]. From open heart surgery and stroke to PTSD and diabetes, it is possible to qualify for an FAA medical certificate with more conditions than most pilots suspect. I dont know if all pilots lie during medicals, but I do know of one who did. AMCD will consider much more than the information you submitted in MedXPress and your AMEs exam findings. The Third Class is an absolute joke. Pilot Health - Should I not disclose this on my FAA medical? Jack, petition the FAA to quit demanding the maintenance of wakefulness test. Do you need a medical to operate a large motor home, car, boat, sand dune buggy, tractor, motorcycle, etc, etc. The FAA can get your records from Social Security if you are on Medicare. 3. Few people have memory of everything diagnosed as a child, how many appoinments one has been to in the last 3 years, or even knowledge of what the doctor has put in your medical record. They are soulless people that treat you as a thing, not a human person. Once everything is done and documented properly,they should issue the medical quickly. Did you tell the FAA you snore? Also, if I lose my medical, Id save a ton of money on flying and could retire a good 10-15 years earlier! You are assumed to be lying. With the right preparation, you can navigate the process efficiently. Risk is inherent in everything humans do whether they are operating a car, a boat, an airplane or a train. However, if you do get caught, at best you will lose your license. The FAA medical certification process starts when you fill out an electronic application in MedXPress. The real question is; Do you trust you AME? He started his career working with his father, Leighton Collins, at the original Air Facts magazine. Because of the Medical, no physician is my friend and neither are their nurses because they can enter accurate or inaccurate information into your record either one of which will condemn you. 45,000 Northern California pilots with current medical certificates Wow - are there really 45,000 pilots with current medicals in just Northern California?,, COPYRIGHT 2011-2023, SPORTSMAN'S MARKET, INC. All Rights Reserved. Has anyone seen that data? Indeed, in 2000 the Aeromedical Certification Division granted twice as many 'special issuance' certificates to pilots who had a significant medical condition, like coronary heart disease, a valve implant, a pacemaker, or alcoholism, as it did 10 years earlier. By comparison, about that same number of deaths a year are caused by lightning strikes or even falling out of bed. Should I expect the FAA to understand my circumstance if theyre going to pull a pilots ticket for marital counseling? This is truly a Great Debate. Duuuuuuuuuh do fat babies fart? Your AME will review your MedXPress application in detail and conduct a physical exam. From a practical standpoint, it makes the most sense. In fact he asked me where did I see that I could make that attachment. We should not be subjected to this inquisitional questionnaire in the first place. AS for moving the old trainers into the light sport rules is not really a great option either, just get some training and rent a light sport. The guy who is lying about hypertension is making a huge mistake. I do think that the First and Second class medical criteria should be more stringent. And the Medical Flight Test needs to be taken only once and the SODA is good indefinitely. What makes an airplane as a machine so different. Its funny that this question even comes up. PLEASE HELP You are proceeding at your own risk. They rely on that trust and the deterrence provided by the severe penalties at their disposal to preserve the integrity of the medical certification process. This is very true if you were to tell them everything that has happened to you in the past medical histories etc. Mr. Diabetes can still legally fly as a sport pilot. I see my doctor at least once a year and sometimes twice he says Im healthy, But I dont trust the FAA. There are also considerations for appeal to the National Transportation Safety Board, but this option will be also be dependent on discontinuation of the disqualifying medication and your ability to develop an argument that the underlying diagnosis was not accurate. Type 2 diabetes, with oral medication, receiving a special issuance every year, until this last one, when the FAA generously determined my AME could recertify me, annually, for five years. Heres a guy who was never diagnosed with depression or showed any signs of it, but still completed the act so feared by these administrators. N There are too many who are afraid of liability. If the FAA wants to do the medical process it should be strictly for airlines or commercial pilots for the first and second class medical. However, I also think that the standards for commercial and airline pilots should be more stringent. Question:Do you think most pilots fib on applications for medical certificates? Needless to say, I passed. In everyones childhood years a lot of people are diagnosed with child Asthma so come on people who is the one really lying here YOU ARE. When I was active duty Air Force we had a guy pass his medical and they drop from a heart attack the next day while sitting on his couch. Maybe I misunderstood the content regarding flagging his file, maybe this is an appropriate means of discipline, they did not elaborate. Its not a profession which that college students wake up and decide they want to fly a plane. Brian, you are right on about AMEs being able to grease the wheels for pilots with the FAA medical people. It's safer to allow people to self-disclose and get help, rather than non-disclosure and possibly flying impaired. I agree the sport licensse should include at least up to a 152, super cub and all two seat trainers. MEDICAL CATEGORY 3: This category applies to the issue or revalidation of Student Pilot Permit, Helicopters, Gyroplane, Balloon, Pilot Permit, Gyroplane, Private Pilot Licence Aeroplane, Helicopter Pilot Licence, Flight Instructor Rating, Glider, Ultra-light Aeroplanes. R: Sleep Apnea. Would the FAA prefer people to auger in because they are depressed rather than get a medication. Are we the same person? Before every flight (sometimes several per day) I self qualify myself THAT IS MY RESPONSIBILITY AS PIC!!! The flight surgeon is not my friend. BUT I HAVE 40+ YEARS AND 5100 HRS OF PIC IN MY OWN AIR CRAFT WITH OUT INCIDENT OR ACCIDENT. Dental visits and visits to your AME need not be listed. If you have ever been denied a medical, you still cannot go in and just use your drivers license. They leave that up to you, but just make sure you read their minds so that your interpretation matches theirs that they dont tell you. These blogs are linked to your name/email be truthful but be careful. If you you diagnosed with some sort of Learning Disability like ADD,ADHD,OCD,LD it doesnt make a difference. Heres more information on the FAAs battery of neuropsychological testing: It took me six months and an extra EKG (probably to make sure I didnt have a heart attack over this!) In our experience, only a small minority of pilots actually try to maliciously conceal significant active medical problems. Now that I have no further problems I have to take an Awake and Alert test annually. Regardless of whether they lie or not, the system seems to be working there seem to be very few (if any) crashes or incidents related to pilot incapacitation that they FAA/NTSB can point to a problem that should have come in a medical. However, if you do get caught, at best you will lose your license. 'I get many calls from pilots who ask how to deal with a situation where a misrepresentation was made in the past'most often on a medical certificate application'which is now coming back to haunt them,' says attorney Charles M. Finkel. I dont blame poeple for lying. Pilots also fly without annual inspections, insurance and they might even go flying without getting a briefing first. Yea if you got deep pockets to afford the tests you Probably dont need. So, instead of less regulation, we need more and along with that comes enforcement. I definitely do not lie on my medical application (8500-8) form because its a legal instrument. Im an AME. Yet there is no medical requirement for any of these. The same diseases that the FAA uses to ground pilots should restrict driving. Having spent over 10k learning to fly I was advised at my medical I had LBBB. Fortunately with the airlines, there is always a second pilot capable of flying the plane. Society cares little about helping people with mood disorders beyond marginalizing them and throwing them into a risk factor category and dismissing their issues. Your email address will not be published. 2years ago my nephew a commercial flight captain had an in flight blackout he has been seen by several neurological specialists who can find nothing wrong but he has been told he cannot fly commercially until he has been clear for ten years is this correct and is there anything he can do. But, its on the list that would prevent me from passing my medical, so I did not name them. If the FAA is lieing why should we worry about non-commercial pilots? Aviation medicals protect your lifeand a periodic physical is smart. Everyone lies technically. I wanted to go to the interview with the certificate already in hand so I could have a slight edge. The most recent was a year and a half ago. If a question comes up about whether or not a pilot is qualified to hold an FAA medical certificate, the application itself usually does not contain enough information for AMCD to make a truly informed decision. It is strongly advised that you seek the opinion and advice of a qualified aviation medical examiner and appropriate medical physician for any medical needs you may have. His point is that no one requires commercial How do we know that health issues rarely cause flying accidents? Im not a Senior AME, Ive only been one for a year. The FAAs battery of neuropsychological testing: https: // love to fly plane... ; if it was less rigorous than a regular over 40 physical, so but! 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chances of getting caught lying on faa medical