did cain have a twin sister

Understand whats going on in the world around you and how we are controlled by 3 things: Our Governments, Our Currencies, and Our Religions. ( Acts 17:26) Adam's wife, Eve, became "the mother of everyone living.". The Midrash tells us that Cain was born with a twin sister and Abel was born with two sisters. I have questioned this subject for fifty years and have finally concluded that my salvation is not required to know what happened to Cain and his life other than he was the first killer. The family enjoyed the bounties and fruits of the earth provided by their Lord. But Mahalaleel, when he was grown up, loved 78-84 A.M. 'wn. If Adam and Eve had two sons, Cain and Abel, where did Cains wife come from? Although this is often asked as a trick question by Bible skeptics, the Bible does provide sufficient detail to give a satisfactory answer. I was just answering your challenge. Cain took awan with him when he got cast out. zakar & neqebah), which come about at the same time and in unknown number, the paradise story means the arising of two individuals, one man and one woman (isch & ischah). iT can make one man happy, it can make another man sing, but it is the closed tablet-basket of the gods. A waking dream, like the kind mentioned in The Matrix. I agree that false teaching has lead to some murder and hate. And he slew him in the field: and his blood cried from the ground to heaven, complaining because he had slain him. The Bible said that Cain went to Nod. Metal Working 10,500 Yrs. Besides, God did not give man the right to eat animals until after the flood (Genesis 9:2-4). It requires no mystery nor does it require incest. No family is perfect, but incest destroys and distorts Gods purpose for family. The story of Cain and Abel shows us how pride, envy, jealousy, rage, and even vanity cause us to commit unthinkable acts that destroy Gods creation of love. Therefore the earth, like other heavenly bodies, is suspended in space as if hanging on nothing. The bodies of believers will be made perfect in heaven forevermore, but even now, Jesus offers freedom. You can hold to old-earth creationism without evolution. The character of Tubal-Cain, the movie's lead villain, is almost entirely invented. They agree with the word definitions which I have been using. Jesus notabene never had insisted or confirmed, that Adam and Eve were the first two humans. It was not until Adam and Eve freely chose to rebel against God, that pain and suffering entered into the world, he said. I live to climb that mountain And yes, it's cruel that God rejected Cain's offering without giving a good reason and found favor in his brother's instead. This was possible in those days because 1) God allowed . Adam and Eve had Cain and Abel we know. If Cain and his sister had children together, they would have passed on genetic mutations leading to birth defects and a host of diseases. The fact that Adam and Eve were driven out of the garden is recorded because that story shows us what happens when we desire to have the things God has forbidden. After they disobeyed God he told eve you shall have great pain giving birth this tells me she had given birth before without the curse of pain since they lived so much longer I believe they married each other in some way, Its easy Cain married one of his sisters, just because they are not mentioned in the Bible doesnt mean they dont exist. Look at how long everyone lived. What other people? Cains wife was a descendent of Adam and Eve. A human cant live over 900 years, thats obviously impossible. Daughters before Seth are phoney, just as the rest of the traditional exegesis. Jewish sources are not the Word of God. Anyway its much more complicated than this, but these are the basics as to what my studies have found, while studying under the influence of the Holy Spirit. Mary Joan Winn Leith suggests that while the Israelite storyteller knew that other men and women in Genesis existed outside of Eden, they did not matter to him or factor into his account. However, my grandparents, from well respected English families, were married in 1917 in England and they were first cousins. So its a clear evidence that GOD promoted that kind of marriage in the early times. And he was fifteen years old. (Genesis 2:21-22) The Lord made only two people, so the only people available for Adam and Eves sons to marry were their own sisters. When Cain went into the land of Nod and took a wife, he married a Gentile, of which there were many in the land outside of Eden. What Is the Significance of Not the Letter but of the Spirit? Asa and banah refer to the action of building an object, by definition, out of existing material. The higher the vote, the further up an answer is. At Acts 17:26 Paul made the point that all mankind out of one man and had set his time limit. Douglas McCain, 58; Andrew McCain, 56; Sidney McCain, 51; Meghan McCain, 33. Quick Facts British Celebrities Born In August Also Known As: Robert Anthony Plant Age: 74 Years, 74 Year Old Males Family: Spouse/Ex-: Maureen Wilson (m. 1968-1983) father: Robert C. Plant mother: Annie Cain Plant siblings: Allison Plant children: Carmen Jane Plant, Jesse Lee Plant, Karac Pendragon Plant, Logan Romero Plant Born Country: England You dont know the scriptures nor do you know the power of God. The en- prefix in En-och tells us he was a king in that city as that prefix means king. in both Akkadian and Sumerian. Why does BAR continually post heretical articles? Seven times seventy times. With Adam and Eve out of the garden, all activities were outside the garden. Then he became father to a son in his likeness, in his image, and called his name Seth. Lilith, There is no way to tell how much time is involved in Genesis 5 and 11. The logical conclusion is that Cain married one of his sisters and until a prophet of God comes along and tells us otherwise that is what we should accept. My thought on this subject is; that God had created men and women but without His God Spirit. I am the Way and the Truth and the Life. After Adam and Eve left Eden, Cain wandered and his progeny scattered throughout the world, thereby populating it, but Cain still took to wife one of his sisters or perhaps a neice or daughter, because there were no other women at the time. See above for these points. Therefore, there is no reason to assume they the words refer to different humans in chapters one and two. Furthermore, they were offered as potential victims of abuse by their father in place of the angels who had visited his home (Genesis 19:8). The flood of Genesis could not be global, because God said that on day three He set a boundary for the waters, so that the earth would not return to Genesis 1:2 (Job 38:8-11; Psalm 104:5-9; Proverbs 8:27-29). Natural reproduction is both a coefficient and a product of evolution. These two seeds are brought out in many verses (Matthew 13:38; 1 John 3:10, etc). And for the point about incest being ok back than, yes it might have been but the whole pure blood negating any genetic defects associated with incest, doesnt add up. Run those old covenant teachings through the blood of Jesus and they read very differently.. Forgive.. Well for all men to have 'inherited' death there would have to be just 1 Adam right? From the above, we can rightly conclude that Cains wife was a descendant of Eve born on an unknown date. Wake up people God would want us to live in perfect harmony, eating the fruits and vegetables that grow from the earth, keeping our children protected and raising them to make the world a better place. Your claim that the history of Adam, Cain, and etc are replicated throughout the world is nothing more than complete BS. It is Genesis creation and accompanying myths, written in the 6th century BCE, that were inspired by earlier similar creation myths, for example, the Sumerian creation and flood myths. I have written a longer response to what you said in your last post, but here I want to stick to the single pair discussion. The fact that Cain was religious like his brother Abel reminds us that this tale is still revelant due to the fratricide occuring presently between people of the same race adhering to diverse religious beliefs. After all, why, at such an early stage in the history of mankind, would some alleged tribe, with no direct connection, have the slightest interest in the murder of an unknown person?! Then God creates Adam from as totally different raw materiale, from earth (in Hebrew adama) which is the soil of Gan Eden. 3:19-20, 12:7). This is before Adam & Eve, This is when the races of men were created There were people outside of the Garden, Adam & Eve came after in Chapter 2. Watch youtube.com/theoldpath or go to http://www.esorianoblogspot.com. These events are separated by 257 years according to biblical and secular historians such as Josephus. Did agriculture begin in Paradise (Gen. 2:15) or after the expulsion? Personal names dont appear until the second chapter. The answer is its impossible. CAIN AND HIS DESCENDANTS. Gen.4 gave a random summary of Cains life. To me it seems Cains wife was actually Eve. They do not come up and inundate the land; neither do they fly off into space. of course youre absolutely right. There is a saying that if it aint broke. The bible cosmology also clearly teaches a flat earth and any reading of scripture that is the least bit consistent and attempts to keep to a literal biblical cosmology in the early chapters of Genesis must surely keep to a flat earth which is present from Genesis to Revelation. If it were to mean he was dust, I would expect to see hayah (the verb to be, was). The provider. Sounds too spiritual I know, but there is a greater reality in God we havent entered into yet. He loves Jehovah and his brother. These same people mock the Faith of billions of people by pretending to be open minded. PS: The expulsion from Paradise refers to the Neolithic passage from hunters-gatherers to agriculturalists. The fact that there are similar (not exactly the same) stories/versions of Mans origins around the world among primitive tribes today and before Christian missionaries arrived to teach them the Jewish one, shows that man had one origin. Cain married his sister. And she Numbers arent called until Gen. 2-3, which tells from one man (isch) and one woman (ischah). It was these near relatives of whom Cain was afraid. Him and them in Genesis 1:27 are translations of et. Its an appellative name for the entire mankind, as already explained repeatedly. PS: There have already been named countries even in Adams times (Gen. 2.10-14). The garden was localized within the Land of Eden. The Giants and the Sons-of-God were simply neighboring tribes. Afterall, Cain went to hell and appeared within the body of Anneliese Michel. It gives the age at which Adam fathered Seth, how long he lived afterwards and the fact that he had sons and daughters. When God created Adam and Eve, they were perfect,, but, because of disobedience they lost perfection and died, (1 Timothy 2:13, 14), (Romans 5:12). So, he was to take care of plant life for he and the animals. Because these stories were the stories of old women (1Tim 4:7) and had no place being taught in the first century congregation. the Bible doesnt give us the information of it because its God minded not to reveal the secret. Not sure why you mention your Masters in Pastoral Theology. Adam and Eve lived 900 years and only had three children, your a fool if you believe that. Furthermore, recent studies, such as one published in the Journal of Genetic Counseling, show that unions between first cousins face lower risks of having children with birth defects than is widely perceived. It does not on its own mean out of nothing. Their professions According to the Biblical text, Abel was a shepherd. Apocalypse of Pseudo-Methodius, Golden Legend by Jacopo da Varazze, Historia Scholastica in Gen 4:1 (PL 198, 1076) by Peter Comestor, Seder ha-Dorot: Cain married his sister Calmana and Abel married another sister Delbora Neolithic Revolution was a long process, extending over centuries. You mentioned that old Hebrews would laugh at the idea of a human actually coming from dust. But their souls were different. Consider the post Darwinian age. The Kool-aid always works, doesnt it? By the way the Greek translation (LXX) agrees and uses a singular personal pronoun for him and a plural personal pronoun for them. Why do you think they do not teach anything about Samaria in school when they had developed many of the things we use every day like our calendar, calculus, a two house congress and the list goes on and on because it would loosen their control. Cain didnt marry his sister, he got his wife from the land of Nod. So, where is the difference in your model? All answers are REVIEWED and MODERATED. Notice that Abraham married his half sister with no condemnation from God, even though this was later forbidden. The original intention of family was to reflect God's character but more than that: it provides a safe place where children can experience God's love (through their parents) and learn how to love other people, Focus on the Familystated. The theory based on other people living outside the creation of God is totally false. Now Abel was a keeper of sheep, and Cain a worker of the ground. At Leviticus 8:6-17 it clearly showed that close family relatives were not to marry one another. WHEN SONS AND DAUGHTERS WERE BORNE, EMPHASIS WAS ALWAYS EXCEPT IN RARE SITUATIONS, ON SONS. Cain married of of his elder brothers daughter. Therefore, brothers must have married sisters at the beginning. Cain, the firstborn, was a farmer, and his brother Abel was a shepherd.The brothers made sacrifices to God, but God favored Abel's sacrifice instead of Cain's.Cain then murdered Abel, whereupon God punished Cain by condemning him to a life of wandering. I've read. Cain had a twin sister, who he eventually married and Abel was part of a set of triplets and he married one of those triplet sisters. http://journals.plos.org/plosone/article?id=10.1371/journal.pone.0131422 He is a creator, and Im sure has created many things that we have no idea aboof or even a concept of. God brought all creatures to Adam to name, but none of them were a suitable helper for him, so God created the first woman. Nevertheless, her identity is still worth investigating. Remember that the law against close intermarriage was not given until the time of Mosese.g. Adam and Eve arise in a completely different way than the humans of the 6. And It could be by that time because life was still quite pristine Adam & Even could have had several other children, daughters, perhaps, or even granddaughters that Cain might have married. The fundamentalists commenting here complain about theologically liberal materials and that people are not taking the bible literally and that they are denigrating it. When God created the human race (Gen. 1.27), the Garden didnt even exist. First of all, it is vitally important for the Christian to be able to answer this question, as it relates to defending the fact that all humans are descendants of Adam and Eve; and, secondly, that it is only their descendants that can be saved. By this I believe that God wanted us to know that for every innocent blood shed, you must not a flood of tears over his face, and gathered together his children and his The lack of respect in evidence-based science in favor of stories passed along generations trying to figure out the origin of all things is incredible.

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did cain have a twin sister