switzerland tunnel opening ceremony

Erstfeld, north portal, 460m (1,510ft) a.s.l. Since the opening date on 1 June 2016, between 130 and 160 trains on an average working day operated through the Gotthard Base Tunnel, which in March 2019 marked the 100,000th transit. Communist political activist Willi Mnzenberg said more than 75 years ago, We will make the West so corrupt that it stinks. This stink now reaches every nostril in the world. From 1924, car transport on trains through the railway tunnel began. Switzerland celebrated the opening of the world's longest train tunnel, a 17-year project that cuts through the Alps and cost 11 billion to construct - but all anyone's talking about is its ridiculous opening ceremony. The new 8.5bn Gotthard Base Tunnel was launched today (June 1st) with spectacular opening ceremony featuring 600 people Orchestrated by German director Volker Hesse, performance included several bizarre outfits and re-enactments Winged baby with an oversized head and dance troupe in their underwear moved to the sound of Alpine horns [86], 67,000 tonnes (150million pounds) on 120 trains passed through the tunnel each day during the first half year of operation.[88]. Because they are quite literally trying to use it to summon demons. Does the cabinet share these popular concerns., The artistic production, with its concept Gotthard myths, used figures and legendsexclusivelyfrom Alpine culture. . There is also a segment where the goat-mans white-robed followers strike a pose reminiscent of pictures showing disciples following Jesus. Would you expect anything else from a civilization whose unofficial credo has become If it feels good, do it? Supposedly it will use more power than the entire USA does in 1 year. It's the final stage of the country's multi-year New Railway Link through the Alps project. Strange Multiverse of Madness.. Stranger Things Vol. They fired up the collider back in 2012 and this happened: https://twitter.com/yahawah8/status/1543843295167651843. Attended by Europe's most powerful people, the opening ceremony of the Gotthard Base Tunnel in Switzerland was a dark, disturbing, weirdly satanic ritual. We have the power. The Alps strongly influence the European climate and that of Switzerland in particular and there can be substantially different weather conditions at each end of the GBT, described by the Ticinese architect Mario Botta: "The light changes at the Gotthard: that of the Mediterranean Sea is not the same as that of the continent, that of the central lands, that of Europe far away from the sea. For more information on the LHC, watch this video. Meanwhile the water which has accumulated in places has to be drawn off and the permanent way built. Hunters Business Partner In Ukraine Also Partnered With Ghislaine Maxwell. AlpTransit Gotthard AG was responsible for construction. The nurses put their fingers over their lips with the shh gesture to tell the children to be quiet and go to sleep. The second ceremony, indoors, was viewed by a smaller group of dignitaries and was, if possible, even more outr. Ancient pagans were wont to dress as animals, and worshiping the creation as opposed to the Creator was not uncommon among them. pic.twitter.com/jjQ589lEJS, 2012 Olympics opening ceremony! This devil's rock stood in Gotthard Pass as an enduring symbol of Christian aesthetic until the 220 ton boulder was removed in 1977 to make way for a Gotthard road tunnel construction. [4][11] It is also the first flat route through the Alps or any other major mountain range, with a maximum elevation of 549m (1,801ft) above sea level,[4] corresponding to that of Bern. Multiple government officials were seen at this event. And whats the point in showing people in the most revealing underwear in sexual poses? A look at the Gotthard mountain region's past reveals another goat narrative at odds with the ceremony: a thousand year old folk tale. Considering that the theme of the opening ceremony best fits Alex Jones's clandestine mission into the Bohemian Grove, and not wanting to open a can of warms by creating a Satanic occult sub-forum, I figured that the Bohemian Club would be a good fit for this topic. Please enter your email address so that the password reset email can be sent to you account. Swiss Tunnel Opening Ceremony: Occult Satanic Ritual (TERRIBLE!) It took 17 years to build a record-breaking tunnel through the Swiss Alps, but only one opening ceremony to weird everyone out . They accept the deal but trick the devil by sending a goat over instead. x ad by gifs.com Ctrl + C to copy Share Optimized Link Hold to copy Embed Link Hold to copy GIF gifs x ad by gifs.com Although the technical maximum speed is 250km/h (160mph) through the GBT, the maximal authorized speed has been reduced to 230km/h (140mph) for ecological and economical reasons, while the operating speed of passenger trains is restricted to 200km/h (124mph) in order to accommodate the freight traffic, with the possibility to accelerate up to 230km/h (140mph) in case of delay. . So #CERN is being switched on again after 3 years, to open a portal or star gate in to another dimension, to cause destruction on mankind and out of the chaos bring order, their NWO! The world's largest tunnel, it took 17 years to complete and promises a new era of state managed European and global connectedness. And of course they think it couldnt possibly be anything nefarious or demonic. A friend recently sent me a video to the Gotthard Tunnel opening ceremony in Switzerland that took place on June 1, 2016. [15], The main purpose of the Gotthard Base Tunnel is to increase local transport capacity through the Alpine barrier, especially for freight on the RotterdamBaselGenoa corridor, and more specifically to shift freight volumes from trucks to freight trains. a ritualistic sacrifice at the statue. CERN'sGotthardTunnelCeremony featured Satanic Occult elements of the Freemasonic Horus Eye, a proudly roaring Baphomet/Goat Devil with worshiping subjects, a Scarlet Whore pregnant with the Antichrist, an androgenous Satan with slave workers, pic.twitter.com/WEo4aN4roX, nikola 3 (@ronin19217435) September 27, 2022, Gotthard Tunnel opening ceremony. After a few kilometres the tunnel crosses the watershed between the Anterior Rhine and the Ticino, just north of Pizzo dell'Uomo (2,525m (8,284ft)). NATIONAL POLL: Do You Still Trust In God To Work a MIRACLE For President Trump and America? A circle of all-seeing eyes watches as people bow down during opening ceremony for the world's longest and deepest rail tunnel in Switzerland. Displaying hospital beds and the Grim Reaper. The message of the 2016 Gotthard Tunnel ceremony is clear: the adolescent statists are rebelling against a more mature cultural aesthetic whose power they envy. A video of the ceremony is available on YouTube, and is discussed at the Olympic Games website and in articles about it over the years. After 17-years of construction, which included extensive boring deep below the Swiss Alps, the world's longest tunnel officially opened on Wednesday . During 2016, the GBT was tested extensively[64][65] before its integration into the regular schedule on 11 December. 2 drops 7/1. The Gotthard railway line has 36 tunnels totalling 31,216 metres. Its underground opening a portal pic.twitter.com/Skx4XgbJsI, Christopher Greene (@amtvmedia) July 2, 2022, https://twitter.com/Desi_3650/status/1541666826903502849. The play graphically depicts miners dying as sacrifices to the goat demon. I dont believe in Shiva! In addition, he has contributed to college textbooks published by Gale-Cengage Learning, has appeared on television, and is a frequent guest on radio. BYPASS THE CENSORS Seems like an odd prank to pull to me.. https://t.co/asU39FfhJF pic.twitter.com/BlEEjtxgHz, Wake Awake (@WakeAwake1) December 9, 2022. [23] Passenger speed was also increased on the railway line with the use of tilting trains, notably the ICN, although maximum speed remaining far lower than on a modern straight high-speed line. The world's largest tunnel, it took 17 years to complete and promises a new era of state-managed European and global connectedness. You know, like little pharaohs. (Note that Satan in Mel Gibsons Passion of the Christ was portrayed as androgynous.) [39][40], On 1 October 2015, following permission by the Federal Office of Transport, the first tests on the entire length of the GBT were performed, with steadily increasing speed. So you have to go deeply underground with them. The recent opening ceremony for the worlds longest rail tunnel has had an amusing epilogue: a politician from the Swiss Peoples Party, spying what she reckoned were Islam-connected whirling dervishes, has complained to the cabinet about a lack of basic Swiss values. (function() { var qs,js,q,s,d=document, gi=d.getElementById, ce=d.createElement, gt=d.getElementsByTagName, id="typef_orm", b="https://embed.typeform.com/"; if(!gi.call(d,id)) { js=ce.call(d,"script"); js.id=id; js.src=b+"embed.js"; q=gt.call(d,"script")[0]; q.parentNode.insertBefore(js,q) } })(). Selwyn Duke (@SelwynDuke) has written for The New American for more than a decade. Enraged, the devil attempts to hurl a giant stone at the bridge in revenge. We experience this aesthetic as we slowly lose our appetite for power at the expense of others from the images of endless wars, drone strikes, and police killings we see. This is mere minutes of the ceremony that was full of symbolism. Before we even get into that, lets talk about some of the stuff hidden in plain sight. [66] On 5 December, the Swiss Federal Railways were granted permission from the Federal Transport Office to use the new base line. And when youre trying to summon demons, you have to do a ceremony. Tell their stories. BREAKING: Top Hunter Biden Associate Eric Schwerin (who ran Rosemont Seneca) Just Flipped! Please do not edit the piece, ensure that you attribute the author and mention that this article was originally published on FEE.org, "Let that sink in for a moment. It opened in June 2016 and full service began the following December. Actors perform in a sequence meant to represent Britains National Health Service during the opening ceremony of the Summer Olympic Games in London on July 27, 2012. [37], On 16 December 2013, the operational test phase started on a 13-kilometre (8.1mi) stretch in the southern section of the west tube between Faido and Bodio. The Gotthard Tunnel is a tunnel that goes through the Swiss Alps in Europe. We value your opinions, and would love to see you add to the discussion! The tunnel opened on 1 June 2016 with full service to begin in December 2016. The tunnel opened on 1 June 2016 with full service to begin in December 2016. 1/2 https://t.co/xhWraCYPxj pic.twitter.com/tHOm1qK4DA, Wake Awake (@WakeAwake1) December 16, 2022. The Opening Ceremony of the World's Largest Tunnel Was a Bizarre Occult Ritual June 3, 2016 Attended by Europe's most powerful people, the opening ceremony of the Gotthard Base Tunnel in Switzerland was a dark, disturbing, weirdly satanic ritual. There is a giant sculpture of a sleeping baby in the background. UN Pushing New Age Spirituality on Schoolchildren, Increase in Illegal Chinese Migration to San Diego Reported, Colorados ObamaCare Exchange Expects Fewer Insurers, Higher Premiums in 2017, U.S. Officials: China Considers Sending Russia Artillery and Ammunition, Socialist Spanish Government Permits Legal Gender Change Without a Medical Evaluation. The reason for our growing distaste for such power displays lies in the personhood revolution Jesus started 2,000 years ago. The price tag was 11 billion Euros. And in the opinion of this reporter, theyre right. A fifthat Bodiowas added later. the COVID planned-demic, take a look: The claim: The 2012 London Olympics opening ceremony predicted the coronavirus crisis. The opening of the 35-mile Gotthard Base Tunnel,. 2023 Guardian News & Media Limited or its affiliated companies. morning, Available for everyone, funded by readers. As for the winged baby, its an androgynous character wearing an ominous-looking mask; its certainly no angel of light. This both significantly reduces the danger of fatal road crashes involving trucks, and reduces the environmental damage caused by heavy trucks. From the Amsteg portal, guided tours are organised inside the Gotthard Base Tunnel complex. Those things are always weird and artsy but this one was downright creepy! It comprises the Ltschberg Base Tunnel (34.6 km), the Gotthard Base Tunnel (57.1 km - the longest railway tunnel in the world) and the Ceneri Base Tunnel (15.4 km). The largest construction project in Swiss history, the 11bn tunnel is also the worlds deepest, running more than 1.4 miles below the Swiss Alps. Present among the elite were: Chancellor Angela Merkel of Germany, President Francois Hollande of France and Italian Prime Minister Matteo Renzi. The actual opening ceremony will take place about March 28. And if you thought all of that was bad, now look at the 2012 Olympics. Around two-thirds of the passages were freight trains and the remaining quota were passenger trains, both national and international. This all translates in the minds of the conspiracy theorists to the London ceremony in 2012 predicted the pandemic in 2020. On June 1st Switzerland unveiled the world's longest and deepest railroad tunnel with a deeply occultic, satanic ceremony. As such, European heads of state such as France's Hollande, and Germany's Merkel as . This aesthetic, imperfectly embodied in fits and starts by us in art, music, meals, and self-emptying living is like an acid eroding the aesthetic of the state. What to Expect After Moscow Suspends Its Last Nuclear Treaty With the U.S. A second law, the Alpine Protection Act of February 1994,[28] requires a shift of as much tonnage as possible from truck transport to train transport. ET. Thinking about CERN & recent predictive programming. Sedrun portal (maintenance access, bridge over the Anterior Rhine), 1,334m (4,377ft) a.s.l. Public institutions joined the celebrations: Swiss Post issued a special stamp commemorating the Gotthard Base Tunnel,[60][61] and Swissmint issued gold and silver coins dedicated to the opening. It is 35 miles of railway running deep inside a 7,000-foot mountain. Oops! The theatrical production staged on June 1 for the opening of the 57km (35.4 mile) tunnel certainly generated a lot of attention. [33], The final breakthrough in the east tube occurred on 15 October 2010 at 14:17 +02:00. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JVw_mPvYcDM, (The second part of the video is found here.). Essentially they want to destroy the whole universe to build it back up again. Youre probably familiar with CERN, also known as the The Large Hadron Collider in Geneva Switzerland. "[21] On average, the temperature is about 3C (5F) higher on the south side than the north side, but on some days, temperature differences are well over 10C (18F). Many have found the Swiss ceremony surprising, but whats more surprising is that people are surprised. The paper highlighted some of the more esoteric elements of the gala such as a winged baby, semi-naked dancers and a man with a birds nest on his head. New Tunnel Opens With Bizarre Occult-like Ceremony, UN Biodiversity Beijing-Wall Street Convergence. It is strange. The first journey carried hundreds of Swiss citizens who had won tickets in a draw, while the assembled guests in Erstfeld, including the Federal Council in corpore, heads of state and government from neighbouring countries and transport ministers from European countries, attended the opening show Sacre del Gottardo by Volker Hesse featuring 600 dancers, acrobats, singers and musicians celebrating Alpine culture and myths around the Gotthard. Here they are performing a ritual outside with Shiva: https://twitter.com/HeirOfWitchery/status/1542650376477974528. Faido portal (maintenance access), 757m (2,484ft) a.s.l. Why do the Elites think this tunnel, and CERN, are so important? Rapturously applauded by standing global bureaucrats and prime ministers, the ghastly production was an unintended self-parody on statist culture. But the piercing of the tunnel. In fact, I havent seen hardly any of themits about as high up on my list as watching a Royal Wedding. [41], Nine workers died during construction; one in the Amsteg section, two in the Sedrun section, and three each in the southernmost Faido and Bodio sections.[20]. Tunnels and Jail Cells Under DCNow EXPOSED! Select any of the newsletters below to "Subscribe" with your email address {0}. The internet, which proffers a truth to every conceivable oddball, is abuzz with Switzerland's most recent satanic showcase on June 1 - the opening ceremony of the Gotthard tunnel. This part was designed to honor and celebrate Great Britains National Health Service (a government program that provides health care at low cost), a British childrens hospital, and the nations body of childrens literature. This is the deepest point of the tunnel, with a rock layer of 2,450m (8,040ft) above it. Cross-dressers and an ominous-looking androgynous baby? But I am revisiting some of the downright evil and freaky things associated with the 2012 Olympics.and this one goes right to the top of the list! In our weakness we are made strong. A woman in Canada shared the theory on Facebook on Jan. 13. Switzerland completed a 17-year construction project of the worlds longest and deepest rail tunnel. They love to hide everything in plain sight pic.twitter.com/HUSGPnwKPW, Have a look at CERN 5th July 2022. You know what would really start the games off on a great note this year? It then follows the eastern slopes of the large Valle Leventina, the valley of the Ticino, for about 18km (11mi) to the south portal at Bodio, at an elevation of 312m (1,024ft), just 3km (1.9mi) before Biasca, where the Brenno converges with the Ticino. Heres a look at another celebration of the occult elite.Measuring over 57 km and costing over 11 billion Euros, the Gotthard Base Tunnel is worlds longest and most expensive tunneling project in History. CERN is a large scientific research organization that is located in Switzerland, near the French border. CERN is famous for its work on particle physics, which is the study of tiny particles that make up all matter in the universe. Instead, I see the ceremony as a great opportunity to shed light on the aesthetic of statism. ", 10.1659/0276-4741(2000)020[0192:TACAMF]2.0.CO;2, "Bundesrat besttigt vorlufigen Verzicht auf die Porta Alpina", "Final breakthrough of the longest railway tunnel in the world", "Switzerland's Gotthard Base train tunnel is redefining Europe", "Switzerland: First transit in the Gotthard Base Tunnel", "Test trains running on Gotthard Base Tunnel", "The construction of the century takes shape", "Celebrations as last piece of track is laid in record-breaking Gotthard rail tunnel | euronews, world news", "Mit 275 Sachen durch den Gotthard-Basistunnel", "Structurally complete tunnels of the Amsteg section handed over", "Gotthard approaches final breakthrough, Ceneri starts main drive", "Installation of the railway systems in the north has begun", "Salvatore di Benedetto, 21. In order to accomplish this mega-project the political institutions also had to overcome many parliamentary sessions and several major popular votes, including the following:[67], Integration of the portals into the landscape, The new 4-kilometre-long (2.5mi) open-air section from Ryncht to the north portal, Start of the new 7-kilometre-long (4.3mi) open-air section from Giustizia to the south portal, The Pollegio Control Centre (near the south portal) with one of the four used TBM cutter heads on display. Has 36 tunnels totalling 31,216 metres layer of 2,450m ( 8,040ft ) above it opened June. 35 miles of railway running deep inside a 7,000-foot mountain people are surprised see the ceremony was... Two-Thirds of the Christ was portrayed as androgynous. even get into that, lets about! Full of symbolism in Canada shared the theory on Facebook on Jan. 13 everything in plain sight everyone! 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switzerland tunnel opening ceremony