fear street monologues

Local d**e slays girlfriend, friends, brother. Sarah Fier: Look around, Solomon. Here are some great dramatic monologues for teens that can help you nail your next audition! For they will bear the Devils mark! Offering our town.Solomon Goode: Our town?Sarah Fier: Yes. Cindy Berman: [referring to the names carved in stone] The Shadyside Killers.Alice: Yeah. Havent you heard?Solomon Goode: Well, in that case, tell your father this isnt nearly worth it. I dated sweet Tommy. B, A, start.Deena: What?Josh: Its the Konami Code. Ziggy Berman: Maybe it was the witch.Cindy Berman: Ziggy.Ziggy Berman: What? In this fast moving kaleidoscope of a play, more than a hundred characters try to make sense of what they know. Those were serial killers. Are you in need of a monologue from someone who is finally coming to terms with their worst fears? Do you understand? For Arnie. Seriously, if were right, and theyre after her, lets give these a**holes what they want. Sarah Fier: What have they done to you? Fear Street: 1978 brings a double-bladed axe to the murdering party at summer camp, and it's not just for show. Samantha Fraser: Stop being mad at me for wanting a different future.Deena: Its not your future if youre pretending to be someone else. I never want to see you again!Deena: Great. Part 1: 1994, Part 2: 1978 and Part 2: 1666 are all available to stream on Netflix. I lay with him I bewitched the good pastor. And its not going to magically get better. Hes going to go right by. I will never Let you go. I lay with him I bewitched the good pastor. Maybe not today. Okay? The truth is you like Stephen King, and spiders, and the weird girl from Shadyside.Young Sheriff Nick Goode: Alright, first of all, Stephen King is like super popular. Tommy Slater: She said one way or another, I was going to die tonight.Gary: Spooky! Hannah Miller: Someone saw us. Young Sheriff Nick Goode: Look, you make for cabin one. Cindy Berman: Ive been a bad sister. Its the witch. Its what you need. My sister was dead, and so was I. And president of every club this s**thole has to offer. Congrats on getting out of Shadyside, Sam. Its Sarah Fier. Berman: I cant help you with this! Red is for radiance, if you live in Sunnyvale. Simon: Kate, shes a crusher. Sheila: You do know what they did to Sarah Fier, right? And I bewitched Hannah Miller. Its bigger than a tape deck. Shell do whatever it takes. And I fear in her absence, I have failed her. Josh: [AOL Chat] I knew Simon. Perhaps that can save us. And yet you all smile, blind to the horrors around us. And its not just because theyre awesome. Dramatic monologues are a literary device that have been used since ancient Greek theatretoday, they are a common tool in modern plays and films. She was wise enough to understand this land was special. So no one else knows where she is.Lizzie, Abigail, Hannah, Isaac: Except us. I fear Union. In fact, the auditors have already made their decision after 30 seconds, maybe even less. Something way worse. Official Post from Aly Fitzgerald. I wont! ThenSimon: Smile, you son of a b**ch! Deena: S**t is doomed!Samantha Fraser: It doesnt have to be. They must extend their hand.' F*** it! What we all came here for? Im going. She did all of this. I fear the mother that would let her daughter hang. Thank you! Its what we all need. Sarah Fier: I think someone struck a deal with the Devil. Depression monologue in The Darkness. Did you like it? Ill just bat my eyes at you, like all the other dumba** girls. Watch the Movie Roy Monologues Where the hell do you think you're going? Sarah isn't the big bad. Martin: Any tips for fighting these things?Josh: Yeah. C. Berman: I thought he was different. We have a situation here. So?Simon: So, lets undisturb it! Her heart stopped. I really did.Alice: I loved Arnie too. Maybe, I dont know, Stephen Kings new one is supposed to be good, I hear.Ziggy Berman: Im done with King. And now tonight, I watched your perfect boyfriend turn into a monster and kill the only person Ive ever loved Ive waited my whole f***ing life for this. As the activities at Camp Nightwing are about to begin, another Shadysider is possessed with the urge to kill, and the fun in the sun becomes a gruesome fight for survival. Old, and drunk, and going nowhere!Deena: Okay, first, go to hell. We will not rest, and we will not have mercy! Until yesterday, it was you and me against the world. Deena: You are the only person who knows what were dealing with. Its true, you were dead without me. Yet you resign yourself to it! Children: [singing] Pastor Miller, blind as a bat. Chelsea is the typical shy girl. I look in his eyes and its as if something crawled in from the night and put on Fathers skin. Why would she want me dead?Gary: Oh, no. That doesnt fit your carefully constructed bulls**t view of the world? But I cant save you. Its too much. Come on, lets play rough! But thats the story this department will go with, unless you can help me to see it differently. I was there to push people beyond what's expected of them. Even the weakest heart, the most corruptible soul, they must make the choice. Stine, stars Sadie Sink, Kiana Madeira and Gillian Jacobs. Alice: [to Cindy] I watched my dad go to jail when I was six. C. Berman: Which is why I dont want that thing near me. I will never let you go. The trilogy of "Fear Street" movies on Netflix are based on books from R.L. And if you dont flee, you will too. First time I cut myself I was twelve. She learned their medicine too. "Fear Street" also borrows from "The Witch," starring Anya Taylor-Joy. Because it was not just a dalliance.Solomon Goode: I see. This is what brings her back. What are the Fear Street movies about? He calls to you from it. Cindy Berman: And Ziggy, I mean, its only a matter of time before she ends up in jail, or worse. And I bewitched Hannah Miller. Tommy Slater: Maybe Mary was looking for the hand. I'm a symbol of the human ability to be able to suppress the selfish and hateful tendencies that rule the major part of our lives. Chasing shadows! 8 Monologues from Characters Facing Their Fears : PerformerStuff More Good Stuff It appears that you are outside of North America. It is red versus blue. Collection includes: The New Girl The Surprise Party The Overnight Missing Fear Street (Hardcover) Give Me A K-I-L-L Fear Street (Hardcover) The Dead Boyfriend I was cursed. Youre f***ing next!Cindy Berman: No, no, no, no. A good monologue for an actor exploring dramatic story-telling with an internal struggle. Even you, Ziggy Berman! Cindy Berman: This isnt real! Stine books? Samantha Fraser: What if this is it? She- I was just walking- I wasn't even looking at her! George Fier: There has always been a strangeness in you, Sarah. Fear Street: 1994 introduced fans to the Shadyside Killers, after young Josh (played by Benjamin Flores Jr.) had been researching the deaths in their town. Sheila: [to Ziggy] Youre going to hang, witch. George Fier: You know, it was your mother who convinced us to settle this land. Youre it. But thank you, truly.Sarah Fier: Of course. Cindy Berman: [to Alice] And I knew then, I wasnt different from the other Shadysiders. Kate: Its just fun.Deena: Its sick.Simon: What? Warning: The following story contains spoilers for the entirety of Netflix's "Fear Street" trilogy, including the third and final installment, "Fear Street: 1666 . A week later, my sister was dead. I f***ing found it. Someone strong and capable.Sarah Fier: Im not marrying Solomon bloody Goode, if thats what youre driving at.George Fier: I worry about you. Always home on a Saturday night, she would give anything to have her first date. What if you cant bring me back?Deena: Listen to me. There is blight everywhere. No one else has gotten this far. And with it, the Morning Star rises. So help me, God, we will be cleansed of these anathemas! What if I want to be the kid who likes spiders, and Stephen King, andZiggy Berman: And the weird girl from Shadyside?Young Sheriff Nick Goode: Yeah. The campers. Yeah. Its Tommy. We will have our justice! - Sarah Fier (Fear Streat Part 3: 1666), 'It's not your future if you're pretending to be someone else.' Trying to explain why nice old Nurse Lane almost lost it today cant either. The b**ch seemed normal!Deena: Yeah, well, I hate to break it to you, but normal b**ches dont bleed black f***ing blood!Simon: Well, she was hot and normal, until she attacked me with a f***ing razor blade! He blocks our well, clogs it with our sin. Me too! This monologue is a bedtime story saturated in fear, but finally ends in as the ultimate anti-joke. And Goode gets whatever he wants. 4. until a siren sounds, the doors automatically lock, and the not-so-studious students discover they are trapped. See you tonight. Only 1 left in stock (more on the way). Sheriff Nick Goode: What are you doing here?C. Theres a half-possessed tied-up white girl. All good. We have to protect her! Okay, dont breathe. Sarah Fier: That is not how it works. You know the cops called him at work about some accident last night?Deena: Please get out of my room.Josh: You get out of your room! Sarah Fier: You ought to rest some. See, you cant even say it! By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. A good monologue for an actor exploring conflict in a scene. You disregard His sacrifice. Josh: And Shadyside doesnt. I clouded her mind. This monologue, entitled The Child Who Didnt Know Fear, is one of over seventy short scenes that go to make up Caryl Churchills full-length play Love and Information. Solomon Goode: Listen to yourselves! Cindy Berman: Why are you being like this?Ziggy Berman: Oh, I dont know. The woods. They just tried to murder me! Ziggy Berman: Shadysiders. The story I just told you. Thats like totally witchy behavior.Cindy Berman: Its just, there must be some explanation. A STREETCAR NAMED DESIRE - Blanche makes a grim confession about her past. "A Bright New Boise" by Samuel D. Hunter "Hunter doesn't sugarcoat his language, making the. I will shadow you for eternity. Were going to die down here. Everywhere is ignorance! Everything turns to s**t eventually. Deena: [to Sam] Look, I know I always give you s**t for like pretending youre someone youre not, but its not really easy for me to, you know, be like us either. Do you think, did we cause it? Hey, Nicky, you there?Sheriff Nick Goode: Yeah, Ill take care of it. I know that now. I watched my mom steal, so I could eat. Carrie on. The vengeance of the Lord and the justice of God. Try not to die. Fear Street Part 3: 1666 will take the trilogy's main character back in time, finally showing her what created the Shadyside curse. Second favorite after Salems Lot. I am different. Lizzie: Shes not just an old lady. Cindy Berman: Once in your life, could you just not be so mean?Ziggy Berman: Could once in your life you just stop pretending? It stops here, tonight. Is that a real thing, boss? [Deena turns and sees Sam has stabbed her]. Hannah Miller: Youre completely mad.Sarah Fier: No, Im just not afraid with you. Im going to get you back. Dramatic monologue ideal for Adult Female Actresses. I love you, Sarah! Cindy Berman: We have to get out!Alice: Well, tough s**t. Because we cant. You are f***ing unbelievable, Cindy. It doesnt matter. Unsinkable against the crashing waves of teen angst all around us. Alice: Crazy Nurse Lane made a crazy map. You have successfully purchased store credit. The child ends by imagining themselves grown up with a job in an office building and wondering if theyll ever feel safe. Deena: We ended it. Alison Willmore of New York Magazine calls Fear Street: 1994 a "nasty, effective slasher" writing: "While the film has . Every name on that rock. Not that one could exactly call these "slasher" films, but the long-bladed. Caleb: What, are you jealous? I know that you just needed me to listen, to hear you. Martin: [referring to Sam] Cool. Cindy Berman: [referring to Nurse Lane] Maybe she was on something.Joan: Drugs are peaceful, not violent.Cindy Berman: Im not talking about marijuana. No. Shadyside, theres something here. Awakening this power from the depths of the Earth. Im right here. I saw your name. Alice: If you have to kill him, could you?Cindy Berman: Earlier, when Mary attacked, I just, I froze. Fear Street is a slasher trilogy, so we need to discuss some of the kill scenes themselves. Cindy Berman: [holding up the hand] What do you want, Sarah Fier? Solomon Goode: [referring to the piglet] This is madness, Sarah. Sit in the dark and listen to music. She was so sexy, but f***ing crazy still! That this town, this place was cursed. With a loud, sharp snap of the watch closing we see Mr Machen (The amazing John Houseman) sitting at the head of a small campfire surrounded by his young charges overlooking the town and the bay. Hannah Miller: But the Devil. Is it so wrong for a father to wish his daughter to wed?Sarah Fier: And leave you alone to eat up all the bacon? Deena: Look, Sam, I cant let her die. But ever since she was executed, shes been possessing people, turning them into killers, to take revenge on the town.Simon: Its like the nursery rhyme.Josh: Yeah. This is all proof. In this monologue he describes his condition and its possible stress related causes. Deena: Who the hell was that?Simon: How the hell should I know? The Pastor Cyrus Miller: [after hes murdered the children] I can see now. Sam disturbed her grave. Ziggy Berman: Were all cursed. And I knew Kate. Fear of divine retribution a bolt of fire from the skies. Who was it?Caleb: As both of them lay with the Devil.Elijah Goode: Both of them?Caleb: Hannah Miller and Sarah Fier! Youre leaving?C. Cindy Berman: Explain to me whats so funny.Ziggy Berman: How dumb you are? Shes a camper. You just go easy on me when youre my boss, huh? I told everyone the story of how she died. No more murders, no more curse, no more pain. Confess your sins, or burn in eternal hell. Move back to the settlement. Ziggy Berman: Last year for me. My child, my dear Constance, and many others, are dead. Simon: Did you all go to pound town? You called us back.C. Young Sheriff Nick Goode: Ziggy, I know Ive let a lot of people die tonight. And I wish to God that it never happened, but we found it. For Mary, it was today. I confess I confess! This had brought death and misery to the earlier members of the Fier family. And some foul-smelling paste made for whores like Abbi Berman. I clouded her mind. She was a good woman. I dont know! It will follow you for eternity. It was always me. But I wouldnt expect a Sunnyvaler to understand.Young Sheriff Nick Goode: No, maybe youre right. And you have always been! She survived by dying. It was right there. Josh: I need you to stay calm, alright? And the Devil feeds on this blood of dead Shadysiders. To end the curse?Alice: Yeah, the curse that made her daughter lose her mind. and sometimes had twist endings. Solomon Goode: Please, do not make me hurt you! Sheriff Nick Goode: Sam, you look like a ghost. She was hot! I will show them what you've done. Heather died. Stine] It began as a prank and ended in murder. Fantastic choice. The family maintains they had no knowledge of Sheriff Goodes horrifying secret.Josh: No knowledge? Were together for one night andDeena: Dead people are trying to kill us. Normal people turn into psychos. He says the Goode family are not farmers. Alice: I was there, I was in the past.Cindy Berman: Youre okay.Alice: I saw the killers. Its not possible. Oh, and she had a sweet voice. And now Father is sick. Landa's monologue offers us a haunting look into the utter evil of the Nazi mindset. Well, they will see. There was something in there, something wrong. Stine Author sabine Tandetzke Translator (2020) Fear Street 47--Ahnungslos . Thats not true. If I die, she dies! Shes the only one whos ever figured out the truth, until us. Here is our list of the best quotes from Netflixs horror mystery Fear Street (2021) trilogy all directed by Leigh Janiak. You know, maybe if you werent such a frigid b**ch.Sarah Fier: [she slaps Caleb] Theres your kiss. A Good Monologue A well-written monologue makes them remember you. Cesario, by the roses of the spring, By maidhood, honour, truth and every thing, This store is PCI Compliant, Please log in to begin your shopping experience. Kurt: And lets go out there, like our ancestors before us, and murder those Shadyside witches! Ziggy Berman: [to Nick] Would you ever kiss the weird girl? FREE delivery on $25 shipped by Amazon. Youre out.Ziggy Berman: Im out? I bewitched the good pastor. Sarah Fier: I will make a deal with the Devil. Sarah Fier: Now we are tormented, and the pastor is sick, and I feel half mad, and now I wonder if perhaps something is wrong with me.Solomon Goode: Sarah.Sarah Fier: And always has been, Solomon. Shell come for you. Step 1: Select the amount you would like to purchase: Step 2: Send a customized personal message. Well, I didnt have a pig, so.Young Sheriff Nick Goode: Carrie. She is acutely anxious and is unable to lead what she describes as a normal life. You can have it! And shes doing some f***ing spell s**t and possessing people. And that was before the witch possessed him.Cindy Berman: Tommy was sweet. And its alright here. I Fear Monologue 572 Words 3 Pages Open Document A place to spend my quiet nights, time to unwind So much pressure in this life of mine, I cry at times No one knows my struggle, they only see the trouble It hard to be in this all alone in this ruble So many of my peers doing years beyond drug dealin Alice: So what, like the witch made this f***ing place?Cindy Berman: Or the settlers claimed she did. It will follow you for eternity. Dead on the mall floor after a double shift, or maybe, maybe if youre really lucky, youre the one carrying the knife. Cindy Berman is a Shadyside resident determined to leave the troubled town behind despite the fact that her sister Ziggy . But now I know there is no end. The script has been created from real-life interviews, which were then edited. If you want to hear more than one album, you got to carry all that too. No one gets out of this town, not even Miss Perfect. If you can't believe, if you can't accept anything on faith, then you are doomed for a life dominated by doubt. When I was sixteen, I made the discovery love. One Goode from every generation passing down the evil. Dead killer chasing Would you say he was more Dawn of the Dead, or Night of the Living Dead?Samantha Fraser: Wait. Is it still buried underneath the Hanging Tree? I was Sarah Fier, and Sarah Fier was innocent. You hear me?Ziggy Berman: Loud and clear, maam. Not after that. And so were we. How we save Shadyside. Josh: [referring to the Konami Code] When things get bad at school, or whatever, its what I think about, and it helps me, I dont know, to survive.Deena: You are the biggest nerd.Josh: [as they hug] You smell like an androgynous baby. I mean, here we are. Which one is your fav? I'm a symbol. Cindy Berman: Those names on the wall, they didnt stop with one murder. Stine books? Martin: Okay, we need a plan B, like now.Josh: No. Maybe not tomorrow, but it will. fear street monologues. We can save Shadyside, tonight! Now get that car and it off my property. Then that person kills and murders. You look like death.Solomon Goode: Sarah Fier, flattering as ever. Theyll walk right by you. No. The Devil takes over that person. This monologue is not from a play; it is a standalone piece. Samantha Fraser: Maybe youre right. They lead us like lambs to the slaughter and expect us to just follow. We have to get her back. Sams got to go.Deena: Are you kidding me?Samantha Fraser: Kates right. Were high and hungry. Unless they've already filmed the fourth movie in secret, we won't be seeing it until . Thats why she was exiled. For all of us. Its for my stepdaughter. His brother becomes mayor. [he then cuts off her hand]. Aug 22, 2021 at 5:13 AM. Deena: [to Sam] I know theres not much of a future in Shadyside with a lesbo. Go ahead. She was doing it! Ive got eyes in the back of my head! She isnt turning people in Shadyside into killers. Kate: You know we dont believe this witch s**t, right? Stay out of their way. She knew it. And we know where the body is, so all we need is the hand. In every cry of every man, In every . C. Berman: Like I said, your best chance is to run from this place. Kate: [to Sam] Youre not doing this alone.Josh: Theres another way. Berman: Theres not! We would not be this far if it werent for you. And now Ive found it. Stine (Goodreads Author) 3.94 avg rating 2,704 ratings. Whose sin? I see all the dark secrets in Union.Sarah Fier: You must be busy. But you know the doctor said I cant have any of whatever that is.Deena: Are you serious? First his child, then his wife. What? I like fun. Whats going on? Im ending this. Going back . Fear Street: The Beginning The classic and heart-pounding Fear Street Series from beloved author R.L. Now I know. Josh: Guys, I think theres someone in the woods! I gave you too much freedom, and now it is too late. We need to kill Nick Goode. What a bunch of d**kheads. Okay, well, maybe were going to die, but Kate is not nice. What happened to Camp Nightwing? We hanged the witch, body chained and buried, but without her hand, her grip on the land holds firm., Alice: When she is near, blood will fall, and the curse will last until body and hand unite.. Male Monologues from Movies Whiplash (Drama) Fletcher: Truth is, I don't think people understood what it was I was doing at Schaffer. That feels too easy to me. A streak. Life sucks sometimes. The Devil has come and cast his darkness over us. Berman: Hold fast. When I went to Sunnyvale, I ran away from you. It will follow you for eternity. And mark in every face I meet. Its camp, but looks like she drew all over it. Maybe not today. I loved him. Not you too. We will search every house, every inch of wood! You burn them. The killers go to the blood. I see no blood, no wound. Josh: Was she singing something? Samantha Fraser: [to Deena] This is all my fault. And she made me watch as she lay with the Devil.Mad Thomas: Who? She was right, all this time. His knowledge became incredibly useful . George Fier: Hes struggled so. The Fear Street Trilogy is an American horror film series, with varying subgenres of horror, particularly the slasher and supernatural subgenres. The doctors say it was a psychotic episode, that she just snapped. Both succumbing to the quick cash of drugs. Alright, you saw those names. But, she was profoundly aware of me. You know nothing good comes from those woods after sundown.Sarah Fier: You sound like my father.Solomon Goode: So youre going?Sarah Fier: Going where? Bob, described simply as disheveled, is reading Stephen Kings The Shining for a few seconds and then develops a twitch which becomes progressively worse. People from Shadyside. She wouldnt.Joan, Gary: But the witch might! TV Reporter: Shadyside, small-town America. C. Berman: Cindy, my sister, she sacrificed herself for nothing. Sarah Fier: They couldnt. The Devils gift.Sarah Fier: More like Mad Thomass gift.Lizzie: Well, whoever she lay with, Abbi made me go to the widow with her. Deena: [referring to Sam] Youre suggesting killing her.Josh: I mean, thats not exactly what shes saying.Deena: Oh, youre on her side?Kate: Youd let us all die to protect her. Kate: Why do you know so much about killers?Josh: Know thy enemy, right? You can't just stand there and talk. The summer of 1978. If they want a witch, I will give them a witch. (Male, Dramatic, Teens) Shadows fall on us all now and then. When you left, I saw it all. Read more > TRILOGY TRAILERS FEAR STREET - A Film Trilogy Event - Official Trailer - Netflix FEAR STREET PART 1- 1994 - Official Trailer - Netflix FEAR STREET PART 2- 1978 - Official Trailer - Netflix By cutting off her cursed hand, she kept her grip upon our land. Thank you for your submission. Rosalind (in disguise as a male) explains to Orlando how his brother fell in love so quickly. Good girl. Josh: But, Deena?Deena: Yeah, Josh?Josh: If the killers were after us before, now that we know the truth, now we know about Goodes deal, what happens now? July 15, 2021 3:53 PM PT. I cant accept it.Sarah Fier: Just think of it as my dowry. He was a boy, just a boy, when I was a very young girl. Of us. Officer Kapinski: [over radio] Someone called for you. Deena: Her name is Sam. Sarah Fier: I was never normal. Cindy Berman: Im sorry. The story follows a group of teens discovering that a series of horrifying events that have plagued their town, Shadyside, Ohio, over many years might not be random, and that they may be the next victims. Sometimes killing isnt murder. Deena: The dude was probably just some sad sack who hated his life, just like the rest of us, except he decided, Hey, why dont I get out of here for good? And, Hey, why dont I take Heather, and a couple other mall rats with me? Theres no angry dead witch who made him go postal. Shes turning Shadysiders into killers.Kate: Do you really believe that? But the kids, the kids say Sarah Fier made her do it. Bullets didnt stop her.Kate: Amazing observation. Skull mask killer. Deena: I was back in time. Stine's young adult horror books of the same name, is that each of its. Tried to read the Bible, and his eyes went splat!The Pastor Cyrus Miller: Oh, but I see you. Is the hand bone still there? How do we not die?! Copyright 2023 | All Rights Reserved | All images are copyright of their respective owners | Stock images by Depositphotos, See more Fear Street Part One: 1994 Quotes, 'The truth will come out. I loved that gross, high little s**t. Ziggy Berman: I cant just sit here! I walked with the Devil. Matt Lankes / Amazon Studios / Via amazon.com. Sat, Feb 25, 2023 LOGIN Subscribe for $1 Maybe not tomorrow, but it will. Thank you? Fear Street star to look out for: Olivia Scott Welch (Sam/Hannah Miller) Who she plays: Heather Nill, a young high school graduate who . Shadysides newest piece of s**t makes the front page! Off to claim my place among the stars, b**ch. Were ending this together.Simon: Die well, my friend. TV Anchor: All is no longer good in Sunnyvale. Look upon your children! The play tells the story of four unnamed characters. Shes being nice because were probably going to die.Simon: No! The truth will come out. He lives in that book. Olde School Witchery. Fear Street Monologue You have sinned! Stranger Things 1 monologue | Acting quotes, Acting scripts, Acting monologues Uploaded to Pinterest Stranger Things 1 monologue Alexie 3k followers More information Acting Lessons Acting Tips Acting Career Acting Scripts Movie Scripts Stranger Things Auditions Acting Auditions Monologues Short Scripts Acting Exercises More information . Weve sacrificed for it! Each entry has spent time in the streaming service's top 10. and sometimes had twist endings. And you dont become sheriff talking about ghost stories. Hannah Miller: I am to hang on the morrow. In the contempt and anger of his lip! I was always me The truth will come out. So when things go bad, you just want to explain it away. Young Sheriff Nick Goode: Before he died, my dad loaded me up with all this, you know, Youre my legacy, the future of the family depends on you s**t. You know, he just dropped this huge burden in my lap. Lizzie: She sacrificed her husband to become the Devils bride. But, of course, the media wont talkabout the most important part. You sound like Mad Thomas.Sarah Fier: Perhaps Thomas is right.Solomon Goode: Thomas is a mindless drunk, nothing more. And no one believed me.Deena: And Nick? I wasn't there to conduct. This was July 12th. I mean, God knows its been hard sinceZiggy Berman: Since what? Hannah Miller: Dont you see? Your sister is very confused.Deena: His dad, and his grandpa, and his great grandpa! Innocents!Solomon Goode: Innocents. Cool.Ziggy Berman: Youve read Carrie?Young Sheriff Nick Goode: Yeah. We cant kill the Devil. Its not as easy as putting bones to rest! Real Sarah Fier: The truth shall be your curse. Tommy Slater: [referring to Nurse Lane trying to kill him] It just doesnt, it doesnt make any sense. All that matters is this symbol, its aAlice: Its a map. Part of: Fear Street. Sheriff Nick Goode: You came here for my help. 1. Than love that would seem hid: love's night is noon. So we have to kill him. For the same reason they killed Alice, your sister. It doesnt matter if we did it or not. [releases the string that pours a bucket of Deenas blood over him]. He was possessed! Fear Street -- where your worst nightmares live. How to Write a Monologue With Examples. But she was a woman walking alone at night, and I was a man walking behind her. Young Sheriff Nick Goode: [referring to the witch] Thats not real, Ziggy.Ziggy Berman: Thats exactly what aSunnyvaler would say. She was in choir. Well, here it is. Fits the narrative, right? Hannah Miller: What if it was the widow, or Caleb?Sarah Fier: Caleb can barely find his own member.Hannah Miller: But if he saw us, if he tellsSarah Fier: That spoiled piglet doesnt scare me.Hannah Miller: Theyll hang us, Sarah.Sarah Fier: Well, let them hang us then. The red mule became a horned man. Or any of you? Im sorry, I forgot. Ziggy Berman: My sisters in the toilet!Gary: What? 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