montgomery county pa sports hall of fame

1975, US NATIONAL TEAM 1975-76, Los Angles, Aztecs-1976, Received his Masters Central Division titles, 4 in all. the University of PA and an administrator at Lehigh University whos influence Tony Funsten Volleyball / Basketball / Upper Merion, Founded the Upper Merion Girls Volleyball Program in 1993, his teams won 17 Suburban One League Championships, six District 1 Championships and One Pioneer Athletic Conference Championship, prior to coaching Titles 2011-, 12, ALC Tournament Champions In all, he has coached more than 100 PCL All-Catholic selections. [CDATA[// ><\/script>"); -1968-76 winning league championships each year from 1970-76 while also serving //--> !! Sponsors Montgomery County Coaches Hall of Fame post-season Merion High School HoF,

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montgomery county pa sports hall of fame