tumor volume calculation caliper

Mice were humanely sacrificed using cervical dislocation. This can happen if the mouse is pressed into the mask or if the body is stretched when held. constant low-dose therapy because in the case of controller-based administration, the control signal (administration dose) can vary from zero to the maximum tolerable dose according to the perceived tumor volume. 47, 510 (2001). When the tumor has a symmetrical, solid closed shape (typically without treatment), volume can be evaluated accurately from caliper-measured data with the applied two-dimensional mathematical model. In several recent studies ([21, 22]), tumor volume is calculated assuming ellipsoid shape: official website and that any information you provide is encrypted Clin. Breathing was monitored with piezoelectric transducer; temperature of the body was measured by rectal thermometer. In Phase III, we have investigated C38 colon adenocarcinoma growth with bevacizumab therapy. A smaller standard deviation in a set of measurements suggests a lesser possibility of error. []. A caliper only digitizes the length and width of the tumor. No, Is the Subject Area "Mathematical models" applicable to this article? 19, 6170 (1989). % Effects of tamoxifen and melatonin on mammary gland cancer induced by N-methyl-N-nitrosourea and by 7,12-dimethylbenz(a)anthracene, respectively, in female Sprague-Dawley rats. recurrent glioblastoma (rGBM) [36]) as a first or second line treatment, usually in combination with chemo- or immunotherapy. 1st Department of Pathology and Experimental Cancer Research, Semmelweis University, Budapest, Hungary. First is to find an appropriate mathematical model for tumor volume evaluation from caliper-measured data. The manipulation of the handheld tool is at least as easy as holding a measurement caliper. Average of tumor volumes for every measurement days of the experiment can be seen in Fig 8. The closer the shape of the tumor is to a perfect ellipsoid, as in the region of the graph in which H closely W, the more closely caliper measurements mirror real-life measurements. J. Oncol. In Phase I, 10 mice were sacrificed at the 24th day of the experiment. The scanner-based measurements yield a higher correlation in this sense than caliper-based measurements. No, Is the Subject Area "Mouse models" applicable to this article? This results in the inclusion of sections of the parallelepipeds volume that does not exist in the actual tumor. Also, at beginning of the tumor growth when the tumor is invisible or when a tumor shrinks due to the effectiveness of the drug, in order to measure the volume of such an invisible tumor, it is a general practice to palpate the tumor area to reveal some mass to measure. We found out that due to this unmeasured part, the dissected tumor volumes were about 6% larger than the scan results. J. Ultrasound Med. In addition, we have found that the quasi-continuous administration of bevacizumab is effective against tumor growth of C38 colon adenocarcinoma, in contrast . Comparison of clinical assessment, mammography and ultrasound in pre-operative estimation of primary breast-cancer size: a practical approach. Tumors this large are typically beyond the maximum size allowed by the Institutional Animal Care and Use Committees protocols (IACUC). Tumor growth inhibition rate (%); can be calculated using the following formula: = (Vc 1 -Vt 1 )/ (Vc 0 -Vt 0) X 100. where, Vc 1 is the mean tumor volume in the control group at the time of tumor . Notice that the red dots are generally underestimations, while the blue squares are generally overestimations; the former is because of the unmeasured part of the tumor, as discussed in Section 3.5, and the fact that tumors tend to grow under the surface of the skin rather than above it in their early stages of development, and the latter is because of the inherent overestimation in the industry-standard caliper-based formula. In addition, even though there is about a 20% difference between the low-dose treatment group for the scanner measurements, the caliper-based measurements do not show any effect for this dose. Tumor volume was measured with digital caliper as well. 55, 74108 (2005). Determining tumor volume is a useful and quantitative way to monitor tumor progression. A 3-D illustration can be found in Fig 7. a) berry-shaped tumor; b) x-diameter of the tumor; c) y-diameter of the tumor; d) z-diameter of the tumor; e) berry-shaped tumor with ellipsoidal estimation. Yes For various tumors in mice, only one can be approximated in volume by an ellipsoid. The problems with tumor volume measurements by calipers, 3.1 Tumor growth: Height is not equal to the width of the tumor, 3.3 Caliper measurements are time-consuming, 3.4 Caliper measurements ignore a larger volume, https://ugobasile.com/products/catalogue/pain-and-inflammation/plethysmometer, A Structured Light Based Laboratory Animal Subcutaneous Tumor Scanning System. Google Scholar. This estimation has the same disadvantage as ellipsoid estimation, i.e. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0142190.g004. Figure 17. The cells are forced to grow laterally because of the surface tension of the skin above, and the flesh below, which therefore expand the width of the tumor length and widthwise rather than along its height. Folia Biol. In Phase I, we have investigated tumor growth without therapy with two types of mouse tumor. et al. et al. Figure 7. ANOVA test showed significant difference between these means (p = 0.041, using 0.05 level of significance). Tumor size was measured every 3 days using a digital caliper and computed according to the ellipsoidal calculation formula: V . Cancer Res. @0u !7oyc5/Ck BMC Medical . Without prior training of users, this effect can lead to greater variability in intra and inter-user measurements. In Phase II, the toxicology investigation of the applied angiogenic inhibitor (bevacizumab) was performed; there was no tumor implantation into mice in this phase. ISSN 1548-4475 (online) Pairwise comparison was done by Tukeys honest significant difference test to find those samples, which have significantly different means. This process slightly stretches the body and deforms the tumor. We have investigated different methods to find the best tumor volume estimation since it creates the possibility for precise and effective drug administration with a much lower dose than in the protocol. Preclinical evaluation of LU 79553: a novel bis-naphthalimide with potent antitumor activity. These model-based protocols can be more effective than the current ones, since they provide individual treatment for the patients. The dose depends mainly on weight. In order to assess interobserver variation, each . The R2 value for the scanner is 0.99, as opposed to that for the caliper being 0.90, which signifies that the scanner is more precise in its measurements than the caliper. We monitored the vital parameters of 4 immunocompetent mice, and there was no serious toxic side-effect or lethality regarding to the usage of bevacizumab. The aim of the experiment was to create and validate a clinically relevant tumor growth model (using C38 colon adenocarcinoma), focusing on the effect of angiogenesis. & Morel, M. Clinical, mammographic, and sonographic determination of preoperative breast cancer size. Figure 18. shows the results of an experiment in which mice were given different doses of a drug and their tumors were measured both with a caliper or TumorImager scanner. Yes In Phase I, Phase II and Phase III, a piece of C38 colon adenocarcinoma was transplanted subcutaneously in the recipient animal on the 1st day of the experiment (approximately 2106 cells were transplanted into each mouse). Cancer 60, 765771 (1987). Mammary tumors similar to those observed in women can be induced in rats by intraperitoneal administration of N-methyl-N-nitrosourea. We have investigated the relationship between MRI-measured tumor volume and vascularization area (Phase III/3 case and control groups, 23rd (final) day of the experiment) but no significant correlation was found (same results were published in the case of Phase I [26] and Phase III/2 [23]). In Phase IV, the first measurement occurred when the tumors have reached an average volume of 5060 mm3 (according to the xenograft protocol [20]). This process not only deforms the tumor mass but also creates undesirable pain on the animal. e0142190. No, Is the Subject Area "Colorectal cancer" applicable to this article? Calculate the correct dose of STELFONTA once you have the volume of the tumor in cm 3, using the Dose Calculator. Results of this phase can be found in [26]. The tumor burden is evaluated by volume calculation using caliper measurement. In the experiment 9.4 Tesla field strength Varian small-animal MRI was used. Unmeasured part of the tumor for caliper, Figure 11. Using the above mentioned iterative method, the resulted equation is Google Scholar. Phase I and Phase III/3 control groups are not significantly different (p = 0.572), while Phase I and Phase III/3 control groups are significantly different (p = 0.002). Ultrasonographic, thermographic and histologic evaluation of MNU-induced mammary tumors in female Sprague-Dawley rats. However, most serious questions are: for how long and continuous or not? In this way, the targeted therapy can be used in a much more individualized form. A study[4] (Figure 5.) Open Access articles citing this article. Forbes, D., Blom, H., Kostomitsopoulos, N., Moore, G. & Perretta, G. Euroguide: On the Accommodation and Care of Animals Used for Experimental and Other Scientific Purposes (Federation of European Laboratory Animal Science Associations, London, 2007). Russo J, Russo IH, Rogers AE, van Zwieten MJ, Gusterson B. Toxicol Pathol. Pathol. Several studies have investigated the effectiveness of bevacizumab therapy according to different cancer types but these days there is an intense debate on its utility. This work was supported by the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (PTDC/DES/114122/2009 and Pest-OE/AGR/UI0772/2011 unity) and by the European Regional Development Fund (COMPETE, FCOMP-01-0124-FEDER-014707/022692). This means that the daily treatment with one-twelfth total dose resulted in significantly smaller tumors than the protocol-based treatment. No, Is the Subject Area "Cancer treatment" applicable to this article? [2]no matter how accurately the length and width of the tumor are measured. We have found that there is significant difference between the means of the samples (p = 0.002, using 0.05 level of significance). Each dot, in addition to signifying a real-life tumors width and height, also signifies through the right y-axis what percentage of a caliper-based measurement with the same width it is. & Hafstrm, L. Estimation of liver tumor volume using different formulasan experimental study in rats. Frozen samples were used to create 15 m frozen cuts. (3), Another relatively new but not widely used approach to estimate tumor volume is to assume hemi-ellipsoid shape [24]. volume42,pages 217224 (2013)Cite this article. This helps to calculate accurate tumor volume from caliper measured data which will be useful for further animal experiments and as a consequence no small MRI measurements will be needed. CAS Research and Innovation Center of Obuda University, Physiological Controls Group, Obuda University, Budapest, Hungary, Affiliation Even though, now, the formula is calculated in an Excel spreadsheet where can be defined as a function, pi(), almost in all cases, in the volume formula is defined as 3.0. One can find datasets in Table 3. Epub 2014 May 28. Similarly, we may have the possibility to a) measure the tumor volume using nanotechnology, b) create a pump for drug administration and c) design control algorithms for specific tumor types. The system includes database, data management and processing software and can be complemented with a weight . In the light of the above mentioned, linear curve fitting was carried out to find the mathematical relationship between MRI-measured tumor volume and tumor mass (Phase III/3 case and control groups). Contributed reagents/materials/analysis tools: ZS PK LK. This saves money, as mice, drugs, and calipers can be costly for researchers. Caliper instructions are provided as well as an introduction to ellipsoids. (Budapest, Hungary). Ultrasound Med. In that caseeven though all the three diameters can be measuredthe estimation of the volume has quite a large error. Mammary tumors seemed to take on an oblate spheroid geometry. Monaco performed the dose calculation of the VMAT treatment plans with the dose calculation grid of 3.0 mm by utilizing the Monte Carlo algorithm. Current standard technique for volume determination of subcutaneously xenografted tumors in vivo is by external caliper where tumor volume is calculated by use of the modified ellipsoid formula 1/2(Length Width 2)[1,2]. One can see from Table 2 that the goodness of the fit is different in the case of Phase I (tumor growth without therapy) and in the case of Phase III/3 (tumor growth with antiangiogenic therapy). The mathematical relationship between MRI-measured tumor volume and mass was investigated to estimate accurate tumor volume using caliper-measured data. Mrio Ginja. Clarys, J.P. & Marfell-Jones, M.J. Soft tissue segmentation of the body and fractionation of the upper and lower limbs. We have administered 10 mg/kg body weight intraperitoneally, which means 200 g bevacizumab per a mouse, since the mass of the mice in the experiment was approximately 20 g (in the case of C57Bl/6 and SCID mice as well). A survey of recent literature revealed the use of 19 different formulas for determining the size of subcutaneous tumors grown as xenografts in nude mice (2 for determining tumor area, 3 for tumor diameter, and 14 for calculating tumor volume). Determining tumor volume is a useful and quantitative way to monitor tumor progression. Yes Tumor volume determined by microCT, 18 F-FDG-PET and external caliper Tumor volume measured by microCT, PET and caliper all correlated (P < 0.001) with reference volume (figure 1).MicroCT versus reference volume (n = 20) had the best fit of line y = 1.01 0.04x - 6.1 6.3 (R 2 = 0.97; p < 0.001). Anyone you share the following link with will be able to read this content: Sorry, a shareable link is not currently available for this article. The produced images were converted to NIfTI (Neuroimaging Informatics Technology Initiative) format, which is suitable for image processing. @L Pk5*Gj@>Sk%SLL4w^c{j[hP(/h8HP_ @Ch( This approach presents an alternative to calipers which, although cheap, fast, and easy to use, introduce many biases for tumor volume estimation. PMC The first column shows the tumor values which were calculated using the two-dimensional mathematical model; the second column represents the protocol-based tumor volumes. Most, if not all, tumors do not fit into this category; this discrepancy results in caliper-based volume measurements including sections that do not exist in the actual tumor, or an overestimation of tumor volume measurement. McCormick, D.L., Adamowski, C.B., Fiks, A. It was on the 10th day, since HT-29 colorectal adenocarcinoma grows slower in mice than C38 colon adenocarcinoma. Tumors should also be placed so that the tumor peak is near the center of the mask and is not highly inclined. In addition, calipers also place undue strain on the animal during measurement, assume conditions for a perfect ellipsoid (which most tumors are not), and can lead to unnecessary losses of money over time. 2013 Oct;67(8):771-6. doi: 10.1016/j.biopha.2013.06.011. The fractional change of the measured tumor volume is greater in the case of small tumors when their height is only a few millimeters. In this study, the authors measured dimensions of rat mammary tumors using a caliper and using real-time compound B-mode ultrasonography. & Bullock, G.) 253257 (Elsevier Academic, Boston, 2004). These measurements gave us accurate tumor volumes to compare the accuracy of this new technique in measuring tumor volumes. & Russo, I.H. Copyright 2023 A tumor tends to be flat early into its growth, and later as time advances, the treatment groups tumors may shrink especially in height if the compound of interest is effective. This problem can be explained by our observation, namely tumors which were grown without therapy have more symmetric and solid closed shape, in contrast to tumors which were grown under antiangiogenic therapy. 37, 331337 (2011). eCollection 2022. van Elsland DM, Duijster JW, Zhang J, Stvenin V, Zhang Y, Zha L, Xia Y, Franz E, Sun J, Mughini-Gras L, Neefjes J. This is a preview of subscription content, access via your institution. After staining, fluorescence pictures were done from the slides using confocal microscope (BIO-RAD MRC-1024). (1). Therefore, optical imaging is . In this phase, three groups were created. Faustino-Rocha, A., Oliveira, P., Pinho-Oliveira, J. et al. Tumor volumes measured with a Plethysmometer (VPleth) independent of caliper and scanner measurements (VC, VS) vs. VC and VS. Table 1. (9). Sci Rep. 2022 Dec 26;12(1):22336. doi: 10.1038/s41598-022-25258-3. In addition, the mice were weighed . PMID: 11208850. Bousquet, P.F. Automatic randomization to perform group assignments based on body weight, tumor area/volume, delta tumor volume, or any numeric value and/or user-defined formula; Result of Phase III/2 was that the effectiveness of the small amount of quasi-continuous dosage is comparable with the effectiveness of one large dose [23], however this result is only based on caliper-measured data. A tumor expands in width rather than height as it grows. Figure 13. CAS Furthermore, caliper-based measurements cause undue stress on the animal and, by extension, the tumor, which can further distort measurements. National Library of Medicine The majority of debate over Avastin is about breast cancer because, in 2011, the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) revoked the approval of Avastin for breast cancer treatment in the absence of decisive therapeutic benefit; however, several clinical trials suggested that Avastin can be effective in breast cancer treatment [6, 7]. Mice in the control group received no treatment (5 mice); case1 group members (10 mice) received 10 mg per kg body weight bevacizumab in one dose; while case2 group members (10 mice) received 1/180 dose of control dose for 15 days. Measure the three dimensions of peanut M&M's, serving as our similar-sized tumor surrogates, using vernier calipers. The TM900 also stores an optical image in the measurement data base. Careers. Tumor volume (and the third diameter) has to be approximated, assuming a certain shape for the tumor. Tumor volume was measured in two different ways. Open Access Below, we present the results of some sample studies in which independent companies doing pharmaceutical, biotech, and cancer research organizations made trial runs to assess the new 3D technology and compare them with their standard caliper measurements. A direct 3d measurement tool such as the TM900 does not induce such method sensitivity but cannot exclude operator dependency of the obtained values. 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tumor volume calculation caliper