who created the rake creepypasta

Little or no information was left intact, as most online and written accounts of the creature were mysteriously destroyed. By the end of the second week, I was quite used to the occasional sound of sleep while blurring through the recording at 8 times the normal speed. As a result, urban legend has it that there was little to no known information on the Rake until around 2006, when victims began collaborating to research the creature and discovered close to two dozen documents with dates ranging across centuries, all describing similar encounters with the Rake. jeff, jack, toby. One journal had an entry involving the creature in its first 3 pages, and never mentioned it again. According to mythology, stories of the Rake seemingly began in the early 12th century. Almost as popular as the Slenderman though not quite as marketable in terms of crossover to mainstream media, is Jeff the Killer. Though it is commonly accepted that The Rake story and descriptions of this creepypasta characters appearance were responses to an image commonly referred to as the Berwick monster, (a photograph that was actually picked up by mainstream media and reported as possibly being a genuine cryptid sighting but which was in fact a still from a game and circulated by the manufacturers as a publicity stunt) the timeline actually indicates that in this case the story came first and the image only linked to story later. During the summer of 2003, events in the northeastern United States involving a strange, human-like creature sparked brief local media interest before an apparent blackout was enacted. Little or no information was left intact, as most online and written accounts of the creature were mysteriously destroyed. They are hollow. This day is celebrated to Read more. What I found was a shrill voice. As I prepare to take my life, I feel it necessary to assuage any guilt or pain I have introduced through this act. A cliffhanger ending. She was very badly injured and spoke only once more in her short life. According to folklore and urban legend, the creature has been stalking young . We must return to England. While their published versions are no longer on record, the memories remained powerful. The Rake is a creepypasta story featuring a humanoid creature that stalks and attacks people in a manner similar to Slender Man. The story made its way to 4chan's /x/ (paranormal) board by April 2009[3] and to SomethingAwful[14] by June of that year. Creepypasta is an emerged genre of storytelling centered around easily copied content which is then shared online and often collaboratively adapted or extended, sometimes anonymously, to create a group mythos around a particular idea or creepypasta characters. Creepy!!! Being a small town, news got around pretty quickly. humanoid This is incredible! He came to me in my sleep. The salesman, looking very upset, tells Squidward that "the red mist is coming . A monster that preys on you in one of your most vulnerable stateswhen you are asleep. I will now Im and scour this site for more entries by this author. Oh God! The Rake is a cryptid creepypasta characters that allegedly stalks the woodlands and has been accidentally captured numerous times on camera, most famously on a motion capture camera set up to observe nocturnal animals. I havent let anyone listen to it yet. The creature then placed its hand on his knee and ran into the hallway, leading to the kids' rooms.I screamed and ran for the lightswitch, planning to stop him before he hurt my children. The thing kills their parents and positions their corpses so that the dead parents are looking at the kid. 2 slightly larger than human eyes Courtesy of Creepypasta - a website where contributors create, add to, and spread fictional horror imagery and stories - unaware readers may be led to believe some of these tall tales are true, such as the legend of the Rake. Good pasta. Home / News & Updates / who created the rake creepypasta. Sometimes described as a hairless dog, or a naked man, the Rake gets its name from the long rake-like claws it has on its hand. hundreds of dull but not blunt teeth ", A Journal Entry (translated from Spanish): 1880, "I have experience the greatest terror. I think he stayed up for the entire night and when he told me about it in the morning, I knew exactly what he was talking about. I eventually located a man in the next town over who had a similar story. That pipe story is true. After we decided to return home, I began looking for answers myself. yet, The Rake is at least capable of human speech and is likely quite intelligent. They saw me and pierced me. An often overlooked influence on the development of The Slenderman character is the DC character The Question. (This still took almost an hour every day). Like Slender Man, it has garnered a large creative response from Creepypasta contributors who hope to perpetuate the question, "Is the Rake real?". Many sites have been created for people to read, discuss, and write creepypastas online. We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. Mouth that is smaller than human, but when provoked or attacked, opens freely on a hinge down to the neckline, showing hundreds of dull, but not blunt teeth That image is a heavily edited portrait photo that first appeared on Youtube in a video labeled NNN, in which it appears only momentarily. That was the last entry in the log. Seen in suburban areas She was very badly injured and spoke only once more in her short life. The creature was completely silent for about 30 seconds (or probably closer to 5, it just seemed like a while) just looking at my husband. Thevideo went viral after it was uploaded, launching the Rake's mythos into deeper parts of the internet. One fictional journal entry from 2006, supposedly from a woman who lost her husband and daughter to the Rake, reads: In a flurry of motion, the creature scrambled around the side of the bed, and then crawled quickly in a flailing sort of motion right along the bed until it was less than a foot from my husband's face. The creature was completely silent for about 30 seconds (or probably closer to 5, it just seemed like a while) just looking at my husband. Yup, that sufficiently creeped me out. The circumstances through which most people encounter the Rake are parallel. I set up a digital recorder near my bed and left it running all night, every night, for two weeks. The thoughts that must have gone through my daughters head make me very upset. I have experienced the greatest terror. At the foot of the bed, sitting and facing away from us, there was what appeared to be a naked man, or a large hairless dog of some sort. you, a restaurant manager, are asked by your mother to travel to your family's weekend house, which has been empty for ten years, to take a look at the condition of the house. But its origins are still unknown. Survival Horror. When he turned to face me, he gasped and pulled his feet up from the end of the bed so quickly his knee almost knocked me out of the bed. From the foot of my bed I felt a sensation. These are but a few of the myriad characters that fit into the Creepypasta genre, which by its very nature is an ever expanding and constantly reconstructed form. There were, however, many instances where the creatures visit was one of a series of visits with the same person. The Rake one of the great classics of Creepypasta, and easily one of my favorites. everyone acts as thought they are monsters. What I found was a shrill voice. In some photos, it's seen crawling on all fours. There seems to be more to him than just a murdering creature and thats what I love. What I love the most is how mysterious he is. Maybe you already were. The police were helpful at first, and the local newspaper took a lot of interest as well. The Rake is a strange humanoid creature described as resembling either a naked man or a large hairless dog whose sightings have been reported on four different continents, . The creature reportedly attacks humans for unknown reasons and often causes its victims great psychological trauma. A brutal, savage beast. His mind and the way it works. Now remember; you are entitled to your own opinion. There seems to be more to him than just a murdering creature and thats what I love. The Top Ten. My husband was peering over his arm and knee, tucked into the fetal position, occasionally glancing at me before returning to the creature. The Rake originated on 4chan's /b/ board in late 2005. In terms of influences, Ben Drowned relies heavily upon the haunted object trope that has a long history within horror literature with such notable authors as M.R. When it first appeared in EMH, viewers well-versed in creepypasta lore recognized The Rake due to its distinct appearance: human in form, but with canine movements, which fits the description from the original creepypasta.In EverymanHYBRID, its presence is usually accompanied by heavy breathing, whispering noises, and loud growls. Your email address will not be published. Interestingly, the digital format of this development also means that the subtle changes in this creepypasta characters details and attributes that develop into stronger traits or new imaginings can be mapped and documented in real time. One of the legends suggests, "the Rake has glowing white almost orb looking eyes," but most seem to believe "the Rake's eyes are black and empty.". The salesman begins knocking again, and Squidward opens the door angrily. He knew of two other people in New York who had seen the creature we now referred to as the Rake. The Rake is characterized by its authors as a tall, thin humanoid monster with no body hair. genitals dont matter because no interviews really talk about that This creature is depicted as an ancient humanoid monster making its first appearance all the way back in the 12th century. His voice (unintelligible text). Without hemoglobin your red blood cells cant carry oxygen from your lungs to the rest of Read more, Does play-based learning work? Black. He took everything. The most famous image of The Rake shows a hairless pale skinned creature approaching in a hunched or squatted position. Good! We shall not return here again at the request ofthe Rake. Once again I awoke and heard his voice, and looked into his eyes. From the foot of my bed I felt a sensation. One journal had an entry involving the creature in its first 3 pages, and never mentioned it again. Iron is important because your body needs it to make the protein called hemoglobin. At about 4am, I woke up thinking my husband had gotten up to use the restroom. Would like to see some sort of sequel or more witness stories, Out of all famous creepypastas out there, the rake is more terrifying. As in, no nose, no mouth. It is mandatory to procure user consent prior to running these cookies on your website. Little or no information was left intact, as most online and written accounts of the creature were mysteriously destroyed. Found in the same wooden box were two empty envelopes addressed to William and Rose, and one loose personal letter with no envelope: I have prayed for you. They did not survive. From the hoods and cowls worn by characters such as the Grim Reaper, said to appear at the moment of death and El Cucuy/ Coco, the Latin American variant on the bogeyman myth to the notorious Victorian serial killer Jack the Ripper, with whom the character shares a name and a propensity for stealing organs. This feature of the form is aided by the fact that it deemphasises notions of authorship and ideas around intellectual property and copyright on stories and individual creepypasta characters. It began on the site 4chan as a thread with the title, "hey, lets /b/ make a new monster." The monster's appearance, characteristics, powers and behavior then slowly were created as people began to . I used the moment to steal back the sheets, only to wake him in the process. If you think about it hes almost a guardian. According to the mythology that has built up around the character, his appearance is due to a combination of injuries inflicted by bullies (his skin color and scarring due to an attack with alcohol and bleach) and self inflicted injuries (Jeff is said to have widened his own grin with either a knife or a razorblade and burnt off his own eyelids). The goal of the Creepypasta Wiki is to have a well-stocked library of creepypasta. According to the tale, the earliest reference to the Rake comes from a mariners log, dated 1691. I cant listen to it long enough to even begin to transcribe it. Its body position was disturbing and unnatural, as if it had been hit by a car or something. None of them gave any details, history or follow up. There are nearly 8000 images on deviantArt[9] as well as a Tumblr[16] tag with these photos. When I said whats that it stared at me, screamed, and ran off. My mom and her friend I mean. i was never scared of the creep pasta people. He then grabbed me and said nothing. The creature ran down the stairs while my husband and I rushed to help our daughter. wtf this has been around for a very long time it gives me chills. Its body position was disturbing and unnatural, as if it had been hit by a car or something. If he wouldnt kill me itd be cool to talk to him before I died. It took the four of us about two solid years of hunting on the internet and writing letters to come up with a small collection of what we believe to be accounts of the Rake. However, the story was never published and the local television news never followed up either. Thank god that its daylight right now if Id read this in the dark, Id be properly freaked right out. In December 2010, single topic blog Fuck Yeah The Rake[10] was launched on Tumblr providing a centralized site for the copypastas, "sightings" and fanart about the myth. On the first day of the third week, I thought I heard something different. One fictionalized journal entry supposedly translated from Spanish in 1880 explains what it's like after you look into the creature's eyes: "I see his eyes when I close mine. Cliffhanger endings can be a cop-out. 5/5, i wrote a story of his daughter. | During the summer of 2003, events in the northeastern Uni. The creature then placed its hand on his knee and ran into the hallway, leading to the kids rooms. I don't wish to talk about the Rake. In a flurry of motion, the creature scrambled around the side of the bed, and then crawled quickly in a flailing sort of motion right along the bed until it was less than a foot from my husbands face. Authors . It took the four of us about two solid years of hunting on the internet and writing letters to come up with a small collection of what we believe to be accounts of the Rake. Is there a special way he picks them? seen in suburban areas minding its own business A creepypasta is a story posted on the Internet that is designed to unnerve and shock the reader. I think the scariest one is probably Sandman., can someone help me find a slenderman story? Absolutely outstanding, this must be one of the best pieces of work on this site. Little or no information was left intact, as most online and written accounts of the creature were mysteriously destroyed. It is typically described as a humanoid creature with canine characteristics, a skinny . Humanoid in appearance, the creature had wide, orb-like glowing eyes and a gaping mouth. I have prayed for you. His mind was too far gone to remember. What does the rake look like Creepypasta? As I prepare to take my life, I feel it necessary to assuage any guilt or pain I have introduced through this act. He took everything. Hey the rake is probably real so you dumb asses dont do rituals and crap like that, Alright people what the person that said that they could think about us being monsters is probably true like she/HE said think about it people it may be true. I eventually located a man in the next town over who had a similar story. I saw it a week later climbing a tree outside my property. ', The Rake has since been said to have made an appearance on a local news station.. Many depictions resemble an overgrown dog, and the stories about the Rake claim it's over six feet tall. Etymology. I have not seen the Rake since he ruined my life, but I know that he has been in my room while I slept. I know he and the others are not real. A lot of older creepypastas appear to have originated from the /x/ board on 4chan, which is a board dedicated to the paranormal. Much like Slenderman, Jeff the Killer is closely linked to a disturbing image, and indeed the original story seems to have been written in response to an image that already existed. When he turned to face me, he gasped and pulled his feet up from the end of the bed so quickly his knee almost knocked me out of the bed. Below is a brief overview of some of the most widely recognised and popular examples of Creepypasta characters, who or what they are supposed to be and where they came from. I cannot ever wake. your boyfriend, timothy wright, a bit weird, dizzy, but nice guy, doesn't likes the idea. His wet hand. I just want to know more. My husband drove his car into a lake that night, while rushing our daughter to the hospital. But opting out of some of these cookies may affect your browsing experience. Or at least something like it exists out there. The encountersthey were things that happened to both John (my brother) and I. That was the last entry in the log. My husband drove his car into a lake that night, while rushing our daughter to the hospital. The Rake is a well-crafted and genuinely creepy story, and may be one of the best classic Creepypastas to exist. Unknown Diet Rake (singer)Born 15 August 1979 OriginSendai, JapanGenresJ-pop, pop-rock Obsession(s)Singer-songwriter5 more rows. According to the lore, the Rake first created a stir in 2003 after numerous people in the northeastern United States, specifically upstate New York, started sharing sightings of a bizarre creature. More detailed information on the evolution and history of these individual creepypasta characters can be found at Creepypasta.com. It was slouched over and had extremely pale skin and bones sticking out under the skin everywhere due to how skinny it was. He spoke your name. I wonder if he knows when people talk about him. Its body position was disturbing and unnatural, as if it had been hit by a car or something. Fact and fiction from the deepest, darkest, dankest corners of the World Wide Web. Unknown origin 2 large eyes on the front of the head because of trips >>14832777 and nature Naturally, there were many ideas, but one stood out, and another poster created a new thread based on this idea. At our house, our AC would not work, so we crawled around the pipes, and found one of the pipes punctured. . I love most of the stories with him. See if someone can make a Creepypasta out of that. In the fictitious origin story of the Rake, early sightings of the monster occurred as early as 2003 when reported encounters with the curious, frightening creature began cropping up in northeastern America before a media blackout on the subject apparently began. From the foot of my bed I felt a sensation. There is no definitive answer to this question as the rake is a fictional character that was created relatively recently. In August 2010, the story was first posted to the Paranormal subreddit. I'm working on a video about The Rake and the history of "Sleep Paralysis Demons", but I'm having trouble reliably locating the original version of "The Rake" creepypasta. Multiple people also mentioned being spoken to, my daughter included. It is depicted as an unusually tall, hairless, pale, humanoid creature who generally crouches or crawls on all fours. At this point I was somewhat under the assumption that we were supposed to help him. So He Covered His Eye With His Hair. The Rake is a creature believed to be a humanoid in appearance, with several references in folklore and horrific urban legends, originally appearing on the internet as a Creepypasta. I have always found rake to be very interesting. Your email address will not be published. The story also alleges that strange events in the northeastern U.S. involving the creature led to brief local media interest in the summer of 2003, but most written accounts of the creature have been mysteriously destroyed since. Eventually, the creature glances at them, and its large eyes are reflected by the men's flashlights. While their published versions are no longer on record, the memories remained powerful. As it is with many legends on Creepypasta, the Rake's mythos has been enhanced with falsified visual and auditory evidence. I see his eyes when I close mine. This particular creepypasta characters appearance is not hugely remarkable, with the image being taken from a creepy statue of the link character from the legend of Zelda games but with cavernous empty eye sockets or empty eye sockets that bleed. You are asleep Rake has since been said to have originated from the foot of my favorites to the! During the summer of 2003, events in the northeastern Uni and what. Character that was created relatively recently the most famous image of the Rake it... As marketable in terms of crossover to mainstream media, is Jeff Killer. Head make me very upset, tells Squidward that & quot ; the red mist coming! 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who created the rake creepypasta